Our mission is to provide a supportive and inspiring learning environment for Korean language students through our commitment to the highest standard of quality in the areas of academics, extra-curricular activities, accommodations, and student services. JKLC pays close attention to the needs of the individual by offering small classes (average 7 students) at all ability levels from Beginner to Advanced. Teachers of JKLC have gone through rigorous qualification screening. They are well equipped with experience and capability, and are also well motivated to teach Korean in a very kind and fun way. We offer social and cultural activities for free for 1-2 hours after classes are over every workday. Students can participate in any activity they like. These free after-class activities are available if requested by more than 5 students. Students are strongly recommended to use Korean only during their daily activities. Teachers will provide students with a list of Activity Korean in order for them to use during their activities. There are a lot of cost-effective accommodations in Jeju. We guide student through the best option for their needs ranging from self-catering apartments, student hotel, and nature-friendly resorts near the seaside.
済州韓国語センターで勉強したことで、韓国での生活について、他の方法では経験したことのないような視点を得ることができました。多くの人が韓国での生活について考えるとき、ソウルや釜山の光と速いライフスタイルについて考えることがよくあります.どちらも素晴らしい都市ですが、済州島での生活はまったく異なります。こんなに美しい自然と穏やかでリラックスした生活を体験した韓国は他にありません。 JKLC では通常、クラス (漢拏山火山の美しい景色が見える場所)... more