ELLCIは1988年にミラノで創立された、外国人のためのイタリア語学校です。 ELLCIはCELI(ペルージャ外国人大学主催のイタリア語検定試験)やCIC(ビジネスイタリア語検定試験)の実施校です。 校舎は広く快適で、ミラノの中心地、有名なショッピング通りであるコルソ・ブエノスアイレスにほど近い場所にありますので交通の便も大変良く、楽に通学していただけます。 ELLCIのイタリア語コースは少人数制で、生徒様それぞれのニーズを考慮しつつ、イタリア語およびイタリア文化を効率的かつ迅速に習得できる機会をご提供します。 ELLCIの教師陣は皆経験豊富で、外国人にイタリア語を教授する資格を備えています。 クラスは担任制で、学習プランやその実現に向けた学習方法など、いつでも親身に生徒様一人ひとりのご相談に乗ります。 ELLCIはイタリア外務省から公式に認定されているイタリア語学校です。
Learn Italian & live in your private teacher's home around Milan with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Italian lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Italy. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Italian lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Milan. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Italian. All of our teachers in Italy have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Milan, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
The Leonardo da Vinci school is located in the historic centre of Milan, in a modern building a few minutes’ walk from Piazza del Duomo. The district is known for its liveliness and style, destination of foodies – thanks to countless restaurants to suit every budget –, lovers of culture attracted by theatres, bookshops, shops and two of the most important universities of the city: Università Statale and Bocconi. The style of our school is the same as that of Milan: Italian passion and creativity mixed with the particular Milanese focus on service quality. Our space ais characterized by a youthful, functional and friendly design; the 12 classrooms are well equipped with modern audio-video systems and a high-speed Wi-Fi network. The school pays great attention to ecology and uses recycled materials, encourages sorting of waste and has an air-conditioning system with a low environmental impact. Our 40 years of experience make us a well-established and reliable reality in the world of language schools. We are very proud of our professional and friendly staff, who do their best to make every student's stay unique in terms both of language learning and of cultural experience. Our teaching method is influenced by modern didactics and is designed according to the 'Concept of Foreign Languages' of the European Council and the guidelines of the ''Accademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL)". We follow a communicative method: from the first day of lessons and at each ability level, only Italian is spoken in class. We put particular emphasis on spoken language and on communication, but also deal with the 4 base abilities (reading, writing, oral comprehension and speaking). Lessons are interesting, interactive and also fun, organized in a relaxed atmosphere in which learning is done naturally. Text books are supported by authentic material, like newspapers, magazines and video, that facilitate learning about contemporary Italy and the many different aspects of Italian culture. Our teachers, experts in teaching Italian to foreign students, are there for the students, to guide them, motivate them and help them in their learning. In addition, through the years Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has developed its own teaching method. The books have been conceived for speeding up the learning process of Italian language. Grammar is presented in a logic and organized way, followed by examples and a wide range of practical exercises and short stories that give both students and teachers many opportunities for making conversation in Italian language. All the programmes have been thought in order to reach your goals, independently from the duration of the course. Having a deep knowledge of Italian grammar (through the continuous practice of writing, reading and speaking in real situations) is the principle which Scuola Leonardo da Vinci’s method is based on.
ILSインターナショナルランゲージスクールミラノは、街の歴史的中心部にある典型的な通りVia Discipliniにある、ミラノの中心部にある語学学校です。バー、レストラン、トレンディなエリア、史跡の近く、静かでエレガントな環境の中にあるItalian Language Schoolは、以下を提供しています。 小グループまたは個々の学生のニーズを満たすために、さまざまな規模の16の歓迎クラス。 独立した研究のための広い研究地域。 快適なソファと自動販売機がある軽食エリア。 教師がプログラムについて話し合い、アイデアを共有できる教室。 広々としたレセプションエリア。 無料のWi-Fi接続。 ILSミラノは文部科学省の認可を受けています。
The host are located in Milan and surrounding areas.
本校は1986年にミラノに設立された外国人のためのイタリア語学校と文化センターです。そしてすぐにイタリアの都市での生活を円滑に送りたい外国人にとっての基点となりました。 Il Centroでは、イタリアで最も重要な都市の1つでイタリア語を学ぶことができます。 創立者は当初からイタリア語のみを教えることを選び、学校のスタッフはこの分野に特化しており、継続的な改善を目指して、教授法、教材、および学習の課題について常に検討しています。 Il Centroは、2004年に公教育省によって正式に承認され、UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Markを受賞しました。 コースはCSNルンド - スウェーデンによって承認されています。ここのスウェーデン人学生はスウェーデン政府からの支援を申請することも可能です。 Il CentroはASILS(イタリア語学校協会)のメンバーです。
とても興味深い経験でした。先生方は前向きで創造的で、授業はゲームなどを使って興味深い形で行われました。 良い思い出と印象が残っています。 more
私は週に2回授業を受けました。授業の時間と場所は良かったです。中心街にあり、勉強しながら授業を受けることができました。クラスの人たちはとても親切で、学習環境は良好でした。イタリア語のレベルは様々で、完全な初心者には難しかったです。 more