Why In Samos? Picking up the language isn’t the only goal of this particular language and culture course. In fact, it is just a part of an all-embracing experience which seeks to acquaint you with the local customs providing you with a thorough insight into the island through the language as well as through local everyday life. Scheduled activities help students become familiar with the island’s cuisine, architecture and heritage as well as immerse them into its authentic spirit. Our Courses Include: Teaching material A cultural walk or a guided tour to a museum The welcome dinner The farewell dinner A Greek movie screening or a lecture on a subject related to Greek culture A dance lesson, or a cooking lesson, or a Greek music workshop Attendance certificate In case attendance is greater than expected, further excursions and tour guides may be added. The original itinerary may have to be modified, in response to unexpected weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances. A minimum attendance of three students is required for our cultural course to take place.
Ormos Marathokampouでは学生、ビジネスマン、旅行者向けの語学コースを取り揃えてあります。いろいろな語学レベル、年齢、期間のギリシャ語コースがあります。下記のリストからコースのタイプを選び始める。
ギリシャ語一般コースは、ギリシャ語のリスニング、リーディング、ライティング、スピーキングの四技能を上達させたい大人向けのコースです。 たいていのコースは16歳以上の大人向けです。 2-48 週間のコースが有効です。たいていの集中ギリシャ語コースは一週間につき 30 クラスあります。