Qランゲージでは、優秀な語学専門家のチームを誇りに思っています。私たちの教育スタッフは、国際的に認められた学術トレーニングの資格と世界中での実務経験を持つすべてのネイティブスピーカーの先生です。彼らはリラックスした学習環境であなたを目標へ導くために言語スキルを磨くことに専念しています。 コースを開始すると、教育チームの専門知識から大きな恩恵を受けるだけでなく、多国籍クラスで勉強することもできます。学生は30カ国以上から私たちに参加し、これらすべてが組み合わさり、言語を学ぶための非常に特別な場所が生まれます。私たちの経験は香港でユニークな学習環境を提供するのを手助けになっています。香港はアジアのトゥルーワールドシティです。 私たちの近代的な敷地は、AV機器、無料のWi-Fi、DVD&教材ライブラリ、学生用PCコンピュータエリア、飲み物、新聞&雑誌、そしてフレンドリーで活気のある雰囲気の教室を提供する3階建ての一等地です。
Focus Mandarin is a professional language training organization that specializes in teaching Chinese as a foreign language combining tailor-made material and the Internet. We have more than 10 years in Chinese language training and we had trained thousands of students from all over the world. Our effective tailor-made programs enable students to quickly improve their language skills to meet specific need and give students an opportunity to work on areas of particular interest or concern. Advantage of our tailor-made course: * Client Focused We design your program based on our experience and your feedback to create the most relevant and effective learning experience. * Unique Teaching Methodology Our teaching methodology is continuously refined based on our actual experience and feedback from our students. * Bespoke Learning Materials All courses material including class note are prepared by your instructor and an audio recording of each lesson allowing for efficient review of vocabulary and concepts post-lesson. * Continuous Review and Evaluation We monitor every program both at the student and instructor level to ensure that the course meets the clients’ expectations and goals. Focus Mandarin is located in the heart of Hong Kong Island - Central, which is Hong Kong's financial center, 1 minute walk from the Central subway station. ***Please note that this school CANNOT provide visa support***
Mandarin Time is the leading Mandarin school in Hong Kong. We specialise in teaching Adults, Kids and Companies Mandarin in HK. We run each year around 114 Intensive & Part-time Group Class For Adults of 6 HSK Levels all year round,, the most in Hong Kong, as well as Private classes for Adults and Junior students are also our best-selling courses. In 2020, Mandarin Time has become the Highest-scoring, Most reviewed Mandarin School In Hong Kong According to ranking data provided by Google, Mandarin Time Team is also proud to have: 1) The biggest full-time Mandarin Teachers' team and biggest language school campus size with most classrooms in Hong Kong; 2) We hire and cultivate the top-quality teachers, 100% of our teachers hold Master degrees in Teaching Chinese As Foreign Language, each of us has averagely 5000 hours' teaching experience. 3) We have self-developed the biggest self-paced Mandarin E-learning platform with over 700 Video lessons covering 6 HSK levels and 500 Audios and many more free E- learning resources for our Member students. 4) Mandarin Time is popular not only among individual students, we are the biggest Mandarin training provider for corporate clients in HK with over 100 companies studying with us each year. 5) Mandarin Time has spent over 1.5 years' time developing a new Online learning APP which will benefit its students even more starting on Jan 2021 with much more Learning subjects beyond HSK, Conversational Mandarin, HSK and Business Chinese, it is the most complex Online Learning platform available on the market, with even better customer experience. 6) Mandarin Time is opening its European headquarter in Germany in 2021, we are working very hard on offering individuals, families, companies with much more learning options and flexibility everyday.
私は、4週間の授業で、同じレベルの生徒のクラスに入るだろうと予想していました。しかし、現地に到着すると、春節で4週間目は学校が休みになるので、この計画には影響が出るだろうと気づきました。また、私に合ったクラスもなかったので、結局は1対1のレッスンを受けましたが、それがうまくいきました。つまり、HSKの教科書に沿った学習と、よりカジュアルな会話学習を組み合わせた学習をしたのです。その結果、私は3週間、毎日1.5時間のレッスンを受けることになり、おそらくそれで十分だったと思いますし、学習に確実に進歩... more
授業は完璧でした。学校の友達とたくさん交流し、一緒に出かけることもありました。授業の後も会話を続けることは重要です。先生たちはそれぞれの役目にぴったりでした。 他にもそんな体験をしたいです。 more