私たちのすべての若い学習者コースは授業、活動、旅行、現地での調節および食事が含まれています。 ベルのコースでは、生徒は英語を上達させるだけでなく、自信、責任、尊敬、チームワークなどのライフスキルを身に付け、やりがいのある未来への道筋を確立します。 生徒は、安心で安全なSt Albansという優雅なグレードIIのビクトリア朝の建物で、60エーカーの美しい英国の田舎に住み、学びます。 学生は私達の専属の親、チームリーダー、そして教師によって、滞在中ずっと世話をされます。 教室では、学生は60年以上にわたる教育の専門知識から恩恵を受けるでしょう。
St Albans School of Languages の管理者様、ぜひご登録ください。貴施設のページを充実させたり口コミに回答できる無料ツールをご利用いただけます。
Manage my school profile »St Albans School of Languages is located in a superb listed building. We are a small friendly school with continual enrolment so students can join at any time. The school building itself is ancient -- no one knows exactly how old in fact, but no later than a late 17th century -- and is located right in the town centre, on the oldest street, next to the original town hall. St Albans is a safe, friendly and typically English town. The people of St Albans love good food, and there are dozens of good restaurants and cafes within one minute's walk of the school.
There are also lots of friendly bars and clubs, and a programme of concerts and festivals throughout the year, so our students enjoy an exciting social life outside the school. St Albans is the perfect location from which to explore London and is only 25 minutes from the famous West End.
Nearby historical attractions include Gorhambury House, Hatfield House, Woburn Abbey and literary places of interest such as Milton's cottage and Shaw's Corner.