ILC Southampton

1 Brunswick Place, Southampton, England SO15 2AN, UK


ILC Southampton は下記のコースタイプを提供します:

¥ 33,739

¥ 33,739

¥ 41,119

¥ 72,750

¥ 74,858

¥ 90,673

¥ 72,750

¥ 74,858

¥ 90,673

¥ 230,901

¥ 107,543


  • ILC Southamptonの学生 1/21
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  • Classes at ILC Southampton 3/21
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  • ILC Southamptonの建物 5/21
  • Classes at ILC Southampton 6/21
  • Classes at ILC Southampton 7/21
  • Classes at ILC Southampton 8/21
  • Classes at ILC Southampton 9/21
  • ILC Southamptonの教室 10/21
  • Classes at ILC Southampton 11/21
  • Classes at ILC Southampton 12/21
  • ILC Southamptonで行われている活動 13/21
  • ILC Southamptonで行われている活動 14/21
  • Classes at ILC Southampton 15/21
  • ILC Southamptonで行われている活動 16/21
  • ILC Southamptonの学生 17/21
  • ILC Southamptonの学生 18/21
  • ILC Southamptonで行われている活動 19/21
  • ILC Southamptonの学生 20/21
  • ILC Southamptonの提供するホームステイハウジング 21/21


100% お勧めの


"Thanks for everything! It was great"

Colla Silvia, 学生フォーム イタリア

The teachers and my classmates were very kind and polite with me!! The location is really good and also near my house! The afternoon activities was the best part off the day but also classes were very interesting!! Thanks for everyone! It was really a great time! I really enjoyed it



5 Aug 2019 - 16 Aug 2019

"The learning atmosphere in the course was great."

David Maiko Runne, 学生フォーム ドイツ

The course was very productive. I improved my English language skills a lot. The teacher and the staff were very friendly. The class size was small.I liked the activities, but I did not like playing tennis. I wanted to play mini golf, but the other students wanted to play tennis. I also liked the way though the park to the school.



22 Jul 2019 - 9 Aug 2019

"Even if was in an other language, I have been laughing a lot!"

Freja Staugaard Werner, 学生フォーム スウェーデン

I liked the teacher, Emma, because she could talk in a way that I understood. She used easy words. She used gestures with her hands, I like that.



17 Jun 2019 - 21 Jun 2019


ILC Southampton は下記のハウジングタイプを提供します:

ホームステイ - 2人シェアルーム - 食事なし

¥ 34,793

Homestay - Self-catering 18+ - Shared

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of サウサンプトン
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: キッチン, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, カーペット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 10 - 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 以降
帰国日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 前
制限: 2人の学生が登録されている必要ががございます
¥ 34,793
Homestay Accommodation includes a bed, bed sheets, towel, wardrobe/drawers and mirror.

You will have access to a desk and be provided with a key. The biggest benefit is that you will be interacting with other people and practising your English.

Shared rooms, en-suites and special diets can be provided subject to availability.

We regularly inspect our homestays and they all meet the requirements set by the British Council. They all have Gas Safety Certificates and, unless requested, you will not have another student with the same first language living in the house.

Our homestays are a maximum of 30 minutes’ walk/bus from the college and please remember, if for some reason you are not happy with your allocated homestay, you can request to change your accommodation up to 3 times.

If you prefer not to stay with a host, we are able to offer contact information for local hotels, halls of residence, local landlords and renting in the UK.

ホームステイ - 2人シェアルーム - 朝食

¥ 36,902

Bed & Breakfast Homestay - Shared room

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of サウサンプトン
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 朝食 (1週に7食)
施設: キッチン, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, カーペット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 10 - 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 以降
帰国日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 前
制限: 2人の学生が登録されている必要ががございます
¥ 36,902
Homestay Accommodation includes a bed, bed sheets, towel, wardrobe/drawers and mirror.

You will have access to a desk and be provided with a key. The biggest benefit is that you will be interacting with other people and practising your English.

Shared rooms, en-suites and special diets can be provided subject to availability.

We regularly inspect our homestays and they all meet the requirements set by the British Council. They all have Gas Safety Certificates and, unless requested, you will not have another student with the same first language living in the house.

Our homestays are a maximum of 30 minutes’ walk/bus from the college and please remember, if for some reason you are not happy with your allocated homestay, you can request to change your accommodation up to 3 times.

If you prefer not to stay with a host, we are able to offer contact information for local hotels, halls of residence, local landlords and renting in the UK.

ホームステイ - 2人シェアルーム - 朝食と夕食

¥ 40,065

Homestay - Half board 18+ - Shared

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of サウサンプトン
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
施設: ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, カーペット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 10 - 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 以降
帰国日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 前
制限: 2人の学生が登録されている必要ががございます
¥ 40,065
Homestay Accommodation includes a bed, bed sheets, towel, wardrobe/drawers and mirror.

You will have access to a desk and be provided with a key. The biggest benefit is that you will be interacting with other people and practising your English.

Shared rooms, en-suites and special diets can be provided subject to availability.

We regularly inspect our homestays and they all meet the requirements set by the British Council. They all have Gas Safety Certificates and, unless requested, you will not have another student with the same first language living in the house.

Our homestays are a maximum of 30 minutes’ walk/bus from the college and please remember, if for some reason you are not happy with your allocated homestay, you can request to change your accommodation up to 3 times.

If you prefer not to stay with a host, we are able to offer contact information for local hotels, halls of residence, local landlords and renting in the UK.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 40,065

Homestay - Self-catering 18+ - Single

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of サウサンプトン
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: キッチン, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, カーペット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 10 - 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 以降
帰国日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 前
¥ 40,065
Homestay Accommodation includes a bed, bed sheets, towel, wardrobe/drawers and mirror.

You will have access to a desk and be provided with a key. The biggest benefit is that you will be interacting with other people and practising your English.

Shared rooms, en-suites and special diets can be provided subject to availability.

We regularly inspect our homestays and they all meet the requirements set by the British Council. They all have Gas Safety Certificates and, unless requested, you will not have another student with the same first language living in the house.

Our homestays are a maximum of 30 minutes’ walk/bus from the college and please remember, if for some reason you are not happy with your allocated homestay, you can request to change your accommodation up to 3 times.

If you prefer not to stay with a host, we are able to offer contact information for local hotels, halls of residence, local landlords and renting in the UK.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食

¥ 42,174

Bed & Breakfast Homestay - Single-person room

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of サウサンプトン
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食 (1週に7食)
施設: キッチン, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, カーペット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 10 - 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 以降
帰国日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 前
¥ 42,174
Homestay Accommodation includes a bed, bed sheets, towel, wardrobe/drawers and mirror.

You will have access to a desk and be provided with a key. The biggest benefit is that you will be interacting with other people and practising your English.

Shared rooms, en-suites and special diets can be provided subject to availability.

We regularly inspect our homestays and they all meet the requirements set by the British Council. They all have Gas Safety Certificates and, unless requested, you will not have another student with the same first language living in the house.

Our homestays are a maximum of 30 minutes’ walk/bus from the college and please remember, if for some reason you are not happy with your allocated homestay, you can request to change your accommodation up to 3 times.

If you prefer not to stay with a host, we are able to offer contact information for local hotels, halls of residence, local landlords and renting in the UK.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 45,337

Homestay - Half board 16+ - Single

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of サウサンプトン
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
施設: ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, カーペット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 10 - 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 以降
帰国日: 土曜日, 12:00 午後 前
¥ 45,337
Homestay Accommodation includes a bed, bed sheets, towel, wardrobe/drawers and mirror.

You will have access to a desk and be provided with a key. The biggest benefit is that you will be interacting with other people and practising your English.

Shared rooms, en-suites and special diets can be provided subject to availability.

We regularly inspect our homestays and they all meet the requirements set by the British Council. They all have Gas Safety Certificates and, unless requested, you will not have another student with the same first language living in the house.

Our homestays are a maximum of 30 minutes’ walk/bus from the college and please remember, if for some reason you are not happy with your allocated homestay, you can request to change your accommodation up to 3 times.

If you prefer not to stay with a host, we are able to offer contact information for local hotels, halls of residence, local landlords and renting in the UK.



イギリスで6カ月以上学習される場合、学生受け入れ確認番号(CAS)と呼ばれる参照番号が送られてきます。これは学生ビザ申請書類と一緒にイギリス大使館に提出する必要があります。問題なく語学コースの予約ができ、お支払いを終えた学生は からCASが届きます。イギリスでは法律で11カ月以上英語語学留学する際にのみ発行されるものだと覚えておいてください。

イギリスで6カ月未満学習される場合、学生訪問ビザと呼ばれる特別訪問ビザを申請しなければなりません。学生訪問として渡航するので、就学中にアルバイトはできません。6カ月未満学習される予定でしたら、受諾レターが無料の普通郵便でご自宅に送られてきます。もしエクスプレスメールで書類を届けてほしい場合は、登録時に !amount追加料金が加算されることになります。

イギリスのビザ取得についてもっと詳しく »


Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to サウサンプトン based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。

保険のプランについてもっと調べる »



1 Brunswick Place
England SO15 2AN


TEG English SouthamptonはEast Parkの反対側の美しい建物内にあります。これは、近くの港、ショッピングセンター、フットボールクラブ、その他多数の観光名所からわずかな距離にあることを意味します。




Q & A

ご質問はありますか? ILC Southamptonのスタッフまたは過去の学生から回答を得ましょう。


"Dear ILC Team, I hope this message finds you well. I would like to inquire about the admission process for your English short courses. Could you please let me know how to apply and if direct admission is possible? If so, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with detailed instructions. Thank you for your assistance, and I look forward to your response. Best regards, Nisar Ahmad"

Nisar Ahmad Mirza Mohammad, 学生フォーム アラブ首長国連邦
Levent Sevil, ILC International Language Centres school representative (COO)

Dear Nisar

Thank you for expressing interest in studying with ILC International Language Centres. We offer a range of General English courses designed to help learners improve their overall English language proficiency. Below is an overview of our General English programs and our booking process.
Course Overview:
Our General English courses are made for students of all English levels, from beginners to advanced learners. These courses focus on enhancing language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing, providing a complete foundation for effective communication. Please follow the links below to get more information about our courses.
If you would like to get more information about all our courses including exam preparation and summer school courses, please click Courses on our menu at

Program Duration:
The duration of our General English courses vary depending on your needs. There is a 1-week minimum booking, and no maximum course booking, however, this will depend on if you require a visa to study. Whether you are seeking a short-term intensive program or a longer-term course, we have options to suit your preferences. You can join our general English courses on any Monday throughout the year (except for UK Bank Holidays).
Main course lessons run between 9:15 - 12:45 (ILC East) or 09:30 – 13:00 (ILC West), Monday to Friday. Intensive courses include extra lessons from 13:30 – 15:00.

The best way to calculate your course fees is by using our online course calculator.
Please click on the following link:

The calculator will show the total cost for your course, accommodation, transfer, insurance etc.
You can download our All-School Price list on the following page:

Payment for your course and homestay must be paid in full two weeks prior to your start date. You Can pay through Flywire (our international payment system) or bank transfer.

Acceptance Letters & Visas:

To receive an Acceptance Letter for your visa application, you must first complete our enrolment form and pay a deposit / registration fee of £270. Once your deposit is processed, you will then be provided with all necessary documentation. To receive an Acceptance Letter for your visa application, you must first complete our enrolment form and pay a deposit / registration fee of £270. Once your deposit is processed, you will then be provided with all necessary documentation. Please note that in case of a visa refusal you will be refunded £200, unless you are cancelling less than 14 days before the course start date (registration fees are non-refundable).

Our ILC Centres offer both homestay & residential accommodation options.

Choosing to stay with one of our homestay providers is a great way to learn more about family life and culture in the UK, while also having the opportunity to practise your English in real-life situations.

Our standard homestay accommodation is half-board, single room. This is priced at £200 per week.
Your homestay will provide you with breakfast & lunch Monday to Friday and all meals at the weekend.
There is a weekly supplement of £35 for special dietary needs, such as lactose free, gluten free & halal diets.

Choosing to stay in a student residence offers you the freedom to come and go as you please and gives you the opportunity to meet other students.
Residence options are always single room & offer ensuite facilities.
If you would like more information on residence options available, please let us know.

How to Apply:
To apply for your course, please use the link.

Once you book your course, our team will get in touch with you to update you with the following steps.

これは役に立ちましたか? はい