Our German as a Foreign Language School is Located in the heart of Heidelberg Altstadt in a Jugendstil style building offering a large classroom with a cosy and welcoming flair and a kitchen for coffee breaks.
ご質問はありますか? Heidelberg Language Schoolのスタッフまたは過去の学生から回答を得ましょう。
Hallo Djellali,
vielen Dank fuer Deine Nachricht.
Aktuell unterrichte ich nur Privatunterricht: ein zu eins. Ist aber wesentlich effektiver. Pro 45 Minuten Privatunterricht verlange ich 15 EUR bar. Du kannst ein Minimum von 2 mal 45 Minuten buchen.
Die Dauer bis Du B2 Niveau erreicht hast, ist schwer vorauszusehen, aber ich nehme an, bei Dir zirka 2 Monate wenn du 2 mal 45 Minuten am Tag Privatunterricht machst.
Wenn es dich interessiert schreib mir eine Email an [email protected]
Dear Bashar,
Many Thanks for your message. At this time I only teach private lessons one on one. I do ask 15 Euro cash per 45 minutes. It seems you need at least 2 times 45 minutes a day each student to get significant progress in 25 days.
I am afraid but for July am totally booked but I have developed a German A1 and A2 course based on video lessons. Altogether 60+ videos and 60+worksheets.
I can offer it for a total of EUR 200 with one skype meeting to explain how you can use and work yourself through the video course.
If you are interested please contact me at [email protected]
all the best
please check my answer on this topic. If you decide to try out the learn videos I just reduced pricing to 100 euros. The learn videos have been very popular among students.