Estudio Sampere: Madrid
Calle Don Ramón de la Cruz 83, Madrid, 28006, Spain
Estudio Sampere: Madrid
Estudio Sampereは上記の祝祭日にクラスを開講しません。この祝祭日のために補習授業は行いませんので、それに応じて開始日をお選びください。
Our Travel & Study program is a unique experience where Spanish classes go beyond the classroom. It’s a real opportunity for travel lovers to come together and exchange knowledge while learning a common language that allows them to communicate and have fun. During the first week, students will be in the classroom with the teachers and other international students. They will get to know the city and live with a host family, who will also show them part of the culture of the country, especially the traditions and gastronomy. During the second week, students will travel throughout the region and the classrooms will be replaced with monuments, museums, playgrounds, places of heritage interest, beaches, mountains and lots of nature.
This is a 2-week program combining Spanish classes and travelling in Andalucía. The first week
offers an intensive 20 Spanish course at Estudio Sampere Alicante, Madrid or Salamanca.
In every School you will find different cultural and leisure activities to discover the magic of every
city. Alicante has its international and warm atmosphere, Madrid offers well-known museums
combined with a cosmopolitan life and Salamanca stands out with its UNESCO World Heritage
Sites and monuments. You will learn Spanish with our communicative Sampere method and
friendly atmosphere.
The second week involves a combination of classes and travelling with your teacher to the South of Spain, visiting Consuegra, Córdoba, Sevilla, Málaga and Granada. During this week, you will get first-hand knowledge of the Spanish culture and traditions always escorted by our Sampere staff. This experience is the perfect opportunity to put all your Spanish into practice and discover all the corners of the South of Spain while having fun.
The program includes the intensive course in Alicante, Madrid or Salamanca along with an individual half-board family accommodation; private transportation to the mentioned destinations, individual half-board accommodation in hotels during the travelling part of the course as well as visits and entrance fees to activities.
平均 | 学生9人 |
最大 | 学生9人 |
年齢範囲 | 17 - 98歳 |
平均 | 30歳 (27 夏で) |
2016年7月1日の時点で、Estudio Sampere Madridは、有名なサラマンカ地区内の新しい場所に移転しました。新しい学校は完全に改装されており、地下鉄Lista駅から約30フィート離れた場所にあります(4号線)。スーパー、Calle Conde dePeñalver、様々なショップ、食堂、国際的なブランドのブティックに囲まれています。
Estudio Sampere: Madridは期間、コース、レベルに分かれ、それぞれいろんな国籍や年齢の人が入れ混ざっています。 その年の学生の平均年齢は30歳です。 その夏の学生の平均年齢は27歳です。
この学校は!country nameを含めて世界中から生徒を受け入れています。
2016年7月1日の時点で、Estudio Sampere Madridは、有名なサラマンカ地区内の新しい場所に移転しました。新しい学校は完全に改装されており、地下鉄Lista駅から約30フィート離れた場所にあります(4号線)。スーパー、Calle Conde dePeñalver、様々なショップ、食堂、国際的なブランドのブティックに囲まれています。
2016年7月1日現在、Estudio Sampere Madridは新しい場所にあります。スーパー、Calle Conde dePeñalver、様々なショップ、食堂、国際的なブランドのブティックに囲まれています。
The teachers were good in general but the organisation is ridiculous and I didn´t get the hours that I paid for. I had every day, one week from 09:00-10:45 and then from 11:00-12:15 courses - this equals to 3 hours a day - 15 hours a week and I paid for 20! First of all this and second, the evaluation test was done Monday Morning which took another 1h45 from my paid lessons. In other schools those tests are done online before coming and the oral test via phone before arriving or if not possible before the course starts. So in fact I only had 13h15 of course and It makes me very upset. I want to be reimbursed for the missing hours because this is ridiculous.
Regarding the activities and housing I can not comment as I didn´t participe in that program. The location of the school is good as the subway and many restaurants/shops are close to buy something during the break. As mentioned, the teachers are good but they can only make something out of what they are allowed to and if you limit them with hours and missing material - it´s hard to perform well.
Dear Elisabeth,
We feel very sorry that your experience was not as fruitful and delighted as you expected :(
We normally send the confirmation of the course, invoice and online level test to every student but maybe it could directly go to your spam or junk email.
Our lessons lasts 45 minutes and we always describe our courses as such but if you feel you need more time to practice your Spanish, we are very glad to give you 2-Skype lessons of 1 hour each as added value for free. As private tuition, you can focus them on the lessons you missed that day or any other specific subject such as grammar, literature, history, current cultural topics…
I hope we could suit your needs :)
Estudio Sampere team
ホームステイ先は慎重に選ばれ、マドリードでスペイン語を学習される間、快適な環境で地元の文化を更に学ぶいいチャンスです。 このホームステイ先は公共交通機関を利用して学校から25~50分で通える距離に所在しています。 ホストファミリーはたいてい手頃な値段の献立てで、地元料理をお試しさせてくれます。(アレルギーや健康上の理由で)特別な要望、食事制限があるのであれば前もって私共へお知らせください。 あなたの滞在場所はクラス開始日の前の日曜日~最終日の後の土曜日までご利用可能です。 ホームステイ先についてもっと詳しい情報
Homestay, Half-Board, Single Room
学校から一番近い国際空港は Madrid-Barajas Airport (MAD)です。.
この学校は空港までの送迎サービスを提供しています。お迎えを希望されるのであればフライト情報と到着日を教えてください。学校からMadrid-Barajas Airportまでの片道の値段は 75 €です。空港送迎サービスをご希望の場合は、前もって登録時に予約しなkればなりません。
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to マドリード based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。
Estudio Sampere: Madrid