Frances King School of English in London
77 Gloucester Road, London, SW7 4SS, UK
Frances King School of English in London
リスニング, 話す, 読書, 書き込み そして 文法
You can choose from the following class times:
• A language and skills class to improve your success in the IELTS examination
• Practise your reading and listening skills, and increase your fluency and accuracy
in writing and speaking
• Write to describe, discuss and evaluate
• Improve your reading and listening for general and detailed understanding
• Speak with confidence and good pronunciation
平均 | 学生12人 |
最大 | 学生14人 |
年齢範囲 | 16歳以上 |
平均 | 25歳 (21 夏で) |
年間を通して柔軟なコース開始日があり、個々のニーズに合わせて幅広い英語コースを選択できます。ほとんどのコースは毎週月曜日に始まります。財務、法律、マーケティングなどのさまざまな分野で、キャリアのために英語を上達させることができます。ケンブリッジ試験やIELTSなどの試験のための集中コースを選ぶか、Life and Experienceコースを選ぶことができます。
私達は学生に最新のツールを提供するために、建物の全てに相互ホワイトボードおよびオンライン学習ツールおよびWiFiのような先端技術を有する。 。
Frances King School of English in Londonは期間、コース、レベルに分かれ、それぞれいろんな国籍や年齢の人が入れ混ざっています。 その年の学生の平均年齢は25歳です。 その夏の学生の平均年齢は21歳です。
この学校は!country nameを含めて世界中から生徒を受け入れています。
Frances King Londonは、ロンドンの歴史、文化生活、ショップ、バー、レストランなどで有名なケンジントンとチェルシーという、ロンドンでも有数の高級エリアにあります。学校は、ディストリクト線、サークル線、ピカデリー線(ゾーン1)のGloucester Road地下鉄駅の近くです。ビクトリアやアルバート、自然史科学博物館など、ロンドンで最も人気のある美術館の多くが徒歩圏内にあります。
The environment is very welcoming and the teachers have always been very helpful and professional. The afternoon activities are very interesting and allow you to practise your English even more.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I loved all. My teacher was friendly and patient. I’ve met a lot of people of all nations, and I’ve done new friends. It was all perfect, the school near the metro station and a lot of restaurant.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I liked the games.
All the rest was all right. I liked te experience.
the teacher was nice, she explained very well. The visit to the Museum was interesting.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I liked the teacher a lot, lessons were interesting. Location ok, near Victoria station.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I really liked the classes they were interesting and i learnt a lot but there could be harder material too.I made a lot of friends and we keep in touch.I would like to study here next year too beacuse the teachers were lovely and the school was friendly
詳細表示 » もっと読む...Dear all,
I would like to thank everyone I met so far, teachers, classmates, guide of extra activities, staff of school and so on. This course has been a good experience for me and I expect when its ends up I can feel more confident to put in practice everything I am learning.
Once I have just done two weeks of course I think I need more time for may improvement and I expect in this three weeks left I can learn more.
The school has experienced teachers and the facility also are very comfortable.
For while I have no complaint.
Best regards
I liked my teacher,
the courses it's very good.
I improved my English very well.
I had a very nice teacher. I found quickly two new friends. My mother had first planed just 1 one, as I liked it so much we added a second week. If we are in London next summer, i might like to came back. we will see next school year how much it will help me for my English class.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...The class was well organised.
My teacher and the staff were so kind and nice.
The location of the school is practical where Victory station is just few minutes far.
The activistes were encourage me to learn in active way in pairs and small groups and the trips were very useful and i had fun.
I liked meeting new friends from different countries and backgrounds.
It was a great experience. The teachers were perfect and they explained very well and also the classes were good.
However, the level of each student was not that perfect because I think the online test is not accurate. This is the only issue I found. The atmosphere is good. Everything was amazing.
I would like to register again next year.
My kids loved everything in the school, the staff were helpful, the location was good.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...My teacher was nice and my friends were very funny! We had a nice classroom at the center of London, close to Hyde Park where my mom took me after school.
The program of English was clear and useful. We visited an interesting museum: The Museum of Transports.
The location was good for the position. The school for adult courses lacked everything (laboratory, information, materials). I hadn't had a proper test at my arrival, so I attended the first week course in the wrong level. The teachers didn't use the same methods. Actually, it seemed they didn't even have a method.
The children's courses were better. My daughter enjoyed the class and loved the teacher.
I was in London last summer with Frances King and attended a course of General English and exam preparation (IELTS). I went alone without friend but it wasn’t a problem at all.
The thing I liked the most was my class! We were 12 students from 10 different countries!
The teachers were very good at teaching, and they were kind and nice. They also were very important for my IELTS, because without all their tips and advice I might have failed the exam.
I was in a student residence (half board).The room was fine but the food most of the time wasn't good.
Anyway I really enjoyed spending time there and I met a lot of new friends.
I wish to come back next summer :)
I had a nice experience here in London. I really improved my English and now I feel quite confident during a conversation with native speakers of English. This is possible thanks to the teachers of Frances King school.
Moreover, my host family was kind to me and i felt comfortable all the time.
Teachers were funny during lessons and I was never bored. I would like to come back again.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I like the school but there was a problem with the location that I don't like.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...ホームステイ先は慎重に選ばれ、ロンドンで英語を学習される間、快適な環境で地元の文化を更に学ぶいいチャンスです。 このホームステイ先は公共交通機関を利用して学校から15~60分で通える距離に所在しています。 ホストファミリーはたいてい手頃な値段の献立てで、地元料理をお試しさせてくれます。(アレルギーや健康上の理由で)特別な要望、食事制限があるのであれば前もって私共へお知らせください。 あなたの滞在場所はクラス開始日の前の日曜日~最終日の後の土曜日までご利用可能です。 ホームステイ先についてもっと詳しい情報
Standard Homestay Twin/Double bed and Breakfast
Private Home - Single - Self-catering
Standard Homestay - Single Bed and Breakfast
Premium Twin/Double Bed and Breakfast
Standard Homestay - Twin Half Board
Premium Homestay - Single Bed and Breakfast
Standard Homestay - Single Half Board
Premium Homestay - Single 4 Dinner Plan
Premium Homestay - Single Half Board
Deluxe Homestay - Single - Bed and breakfast
Deluxe Homestay - Single 3 Dinner Plan
学生寮はお一人での生活、清潔で、採算に合ったお値段の標準的な宿泊施設をお求めの学生に最適です。 学生寮を利用する学生は特に注釈がない場合は18 - 100でなければなりません。 あなたの滞在場所はクラス開始日の前の日曜日~最終日の後の土曜日までご利用可能です。 学生寮は食事込みでない場合がございます。 学生用宿泊施設について詳しい情報
Lightfoot Hall: Twin Room Self-Catering (June 30- August 31)
Chapter Portobello single studio self catering
iQ Hammersmith: Single Studio self-catering
ロンドンで学習される間、アパート賃貸することも可能ですが、その方が高くつく傾向があります。Frances King School of English in Londonはアパート賃貸のアシスタントも提供していますので、自分自身でアパートを借りることができます。アパート賃貸についてもっと詳しい情報
Chelsea Cloisters, 1 bedroom apartment (1-3 people), Self-Catering
Chelsea Cloisters Studios (1-2 People), self catering
イギリスで6カ月以上学習される場合、学生受け入れ確認番号(CAS)と呼ばれる参照番号が送られてきます。これは学生ビザ申請書類と一緒にイギリス大使館に提出する必要があります。問題なく語学コースの予約ができ、お支払いを終えた学生は からCASが届きます。イギリスでは法律で11カ月以上英語語学留学する際にのみ発行されるものだと覚えておいてください。
イギリスで6カ月未満学習される場合、学生訪問ビザと呼ばれる特別訪問ビザを申請しなければなりません。学生訪問として渡航するので、就学中にアルバイトはできません。6カ月未満学習される予定でしたら、受諾レターが無料の普通郵便でご自宅に送られてきます。もしエクスプレスメールで書類を届けてほしい場合は、登録時に £ 45追加料金が加算されることになります。
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to ロンドン based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。
Frances King School of English in London