did deutsch-institut Frankfurt
Gutleutstraße 32, Frankfurt am Main, 60329, de
did deutsch-institut Frankfurt
リスニング, 話す, 発音, 読書, 書き込み, 語彙 そして 文法
did deutsch-institut Frankfurtは上記の祝祭日にクラスを開講しません。この祝祭日のために補習授業は行いませんので、それに応じて開始日をお選びください。
You can choose from the following class times:
Do you want to improve your German knowledge rapidly and reach as many teaching goals as possible in almost no time at all? In this case we would like to recommend you our Premium Course. It differs from our other course options – Standard and Intensive Course – in so far as with 28 lessons per week the Premium Course gives far more opportunities for considering personal requests and demands.
The Premium Course is the ideal possibility to acquire and improve German knowledge very fast. Especially if you plan to stay only for a short period of time, you can still reach more learning goals than in other types of courses. This is not at all surprising – after all, the Premium Course covers 28 lessons per week and is the most comprehensive group course we can offer. The specialty of the Premium Course, however, is that it combines a dynamic group atmosphere with an utmost individual learning flexibility: We expect your contributions, your personal suggestions and ideas, you tell us what you need to study, what you want to learn, or where you still feel having some problems.
Far more than in all the other courses, in the Premium Course you and the other students will become the main characters in class, because the course focuses on your participation and relies on your contributions. The educational concept intends to motivate you using the language automatically and intuitively – both in normal, almost everyday situations and in different contexts of professional, work and university situations. In the afternoons, we focus on your individual requests and on your needs regarding additional explanations, practice and exercises: How exactly did this work – the dative case, the passive voice and subjunctive? What are the names for these parts of the car or the computer? What are the linguistic terms for argumentation? You’ve got 4 lessons per week to figure that out!
平均 | 学生12人 |
最大 | 学生15人 |
年齢範囲 | 17歳以上 |
did deutsch-institutはフランクフルトのザクセンハウゼン地区に位置しています。 1989年に設立されたフランクフルトにあるdid deutsch-institutは、インターネットカフェ、自習センター、マルチメディアセンター、学生ラウンジなどの近代的な施設を誇っています。学校はマイン川沿いの美術館、ビーチ、バレーボールコートから10分の場所にあり、市内観光、スポーツ、文化イベントなどの社交活動を手配しています。 3つの地下鉄路線でアクセス可能なこの学校は、フランクフルト市内中心部のハウプトヴァッヘまで徒歩15分です。
did deutsch-institut Frankfurtは期間、コース、レベルに分かれ、それぞれいろんな国籍や年齢の人が入れ混ざっています。
この学校は!country nameを含めて世界中から生徒を受け入れています。
did deutsch-institutはフランクフルトのザクセンハウゼン地区に位置しています。学校はマイン川沿いの美術館、ビーチ、バレーボールコートから10分の場所にあり、市内観光やスポーツ、文化イベントなどの社交活動を手配しています。 3つの地下鉄路線でアクセス可能なこの学校は、フランクフルト中心部のハウプトヴァッヘまで徒歩15分です。
Prostředí školy, lektoři, zaměstnanci kanceláře, vše bylo profesionální. Všichni vystupovali velmi příjemně, hodně jsem se naučila, byli trpěliví, používali různé výukové metody.
Další účastníci kurzu byli velmi přátelští, komunikativní. Celý kurz byl pro mě velmi přínosný, hodně jsem se naučila.
As a whole, they were kind and sensitive to the needs of the students. Teachers has a very good assessment skills unto what the students needs to learn more, highly competent and very effective. The school was easy to locate and the classrooms were clean and inside properly arranged. So far, I can say I had an extravagant experience throughout the course.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...The teaching was very good and it was a great experience for my listening and speaking training. In my country I learn German also but the speaking was always a difficulty because i can only speak with my teacher but in this course I can talk not only with my teachers but with the rest of the group.As I said it was an amazing experience and I would do it again.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...There are too much students in a single class and classes are small. In summer it is very difficult to study
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I took private lessons. Teachers were very friendly and kind.
Especially, teachers teach me classes according to my schedule. So, I could have a long free time.
I could go a lot of places.
Apartments were very clean and comfortable. I thought I want to live more.
The course was good. I had no knowledge of German, so I had a starter course. The material was good, the teachers (Djamilla, Silvo and Eike) were great, but I did not like the others. I think I had a dynamic learning and higher class because of these three teachers.
The location was good; access was easy.
I found our classroom very tight for many people, and there was a lot of disorganization regarding the casting of teachers. Djamila went on vacation and had passed through 3 teachers. On one day, we ran out of half of a class in the morning, and we had to replace this with another afternoon. Another teacher (Erica) was rude to a Spaniard and another Brazilian who was there. She was clapping at the answers we gave (debauchery?). I found this as a lack of respect for students, mainly because everyone came from other countries to study, leave home and family, and are alone in another place and another culture, and end up going through unnecessary situations such as these.
The bathroom was very tight.
Actually, I just attended a one week course, but I found it very useful and interesting. Teachers were extremely prepared, and I succeeded in improving my German skills in so little time.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...The teacher was very authoritarian and not very helpful in explaining properly the grammar. The facilities were quite far from the centre of the city and not specially welcoming.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...did deutsch-institut Frankfurt was well-run and friendly. The classes moved quickly, and I learned much more German than I would have ever dreamed in the four weeks that I was there. The teachers were all good, using a variety of methods--read-aloud, games, discussion, partner work, creative writing, grammar exercises and more to keep the classes interesting. Expectations were very high, and the book we mostly worked from was engaging. As an older language learner, I enjoyed the fact that our level had people of different ages, countries of origin, and experiences. The school itself was easy to get to, just a block away from the Sud Banhof station. My only criticism is that while all the teachers were very capable, there was a lot of teacher turnover, and it was hard to be constantly adjusting to a different teacher style.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I paid for one course of a week duration and for a beginner's level. When I arrived to the school the personnel did me a level test and they said that for my level the courses had begun two weeks ago so there was no course for me...they prepared "something" for me, it was just three day of classes, and each day just 2 or 3 hours, I was so disappointed with that, I paid for something I did not get. I would like to repeat the experience but probably I will check for another academy. I did not get no diploma or nothing about my "course".
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I'm on the second week of my 12 week course and everything has been great so far. The school is right besides an exit of an important subway station so it is easy to find. Most of the professors are really nice and all of them take their jobs seriously. The administrative personnel in the school are very helpful.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...Last June I went to Frankfurt to study German in DID for three weeks and arranged it with LI. My language level was low when I arrived, and they made everything easy from the beginning. They found the best housing, according to my wishes (kind of host family and location), and explained every detail clearly and in advance. The staff at the school were nice and helpful too, and the course was exactly what I expected. What I liked most was that I had two teachers, each one in alternate days, which I found perfect, if you don't get something in one way, next day you have a different explanation. My whole experience is good/excellent, in fact I extended my stay for a week more than planed once I was there, and I plan to repeat in the future.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...My experience was very good. I learned German very fast. The intensive course gives you a good command over German in short time. The staff in the school is very good and kind. They help me to solve all problems very quickly. The information I received was very clear and useful. Maybe the only bad point is the price. But the relationship quality/price is very good.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...I really had a great time at DID- institut. Especially my teacher Max was inspiring.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...ホームステイ先は慎重に選ばれ、フランクフルト・アム・マインでドイツ語を学習される間、快適な環境で地元の文化を更に学ぶいいチャンスです。 このホームステイ先は公共交通機関を利用して学校から45分で通える距離に所在しています。 ホストファミリーはたいてい手頃な値段の献立てで、地元料理をお試しさせてくれます。(アレルギーや健康上の理由で)特別な要望、食事制限があるのであれば前もって私共へお知らせください。 あなたの滞在場所はクラス開始日の前の日曜日~最終日の後の土曜日までご利用可能です。 ホームステイ先についてもっと詳しい情報
Homestay - Single-person room - No meals
Host Family - Double room with Breakfast
Host Family - Single room with Breakfast
Host Family- Double room with Half Board
Host Family-Single Room with Half Board
学生寮はお一人での生活、清潔で、採算に合ったお値段の標準的な宿泊施設をお求めの学生に最適です。 学生寮を利用する学生は特に注釈がない場合は18 - 26でなければなりません。 あなたの滞在場所はクラス開始日の前の日曜日~最終日の後の土曜日までご利用可能です。 学生寮は食事込みでない場合がございます。 学生用宿泊施設について詳しい情報
Student residence - 1 bedroom apartment - No meals (18+)
did deutsch-institut Frankfurtはホステル探し、ご予約のアシスタントを提供しますし、ご自分でお部屋をご予約されても結構です。 ホステル住まいについてもっと詳しい情報
Youth Hotel Standard - Double Room - Breakfast
Youth Hotel Standard - Single Room - Breakfast
あなたの受諾レターは無料の普通郵便であなたのご自宅へ送られます。エクスプレスメールで書類を送ってほしい場合は、 登録時に90 €加算されることをになります。
学校から一番近い国際空港は Frankfurt Airport (FRA)です。.
この学校は空港までの送迎サービスを提供しています。お迎えを希望されるのであればフライト情報と到着日を教えてください。学校からFrankfurt Airport までの片道の値段は 60 €です。空港送迎サービスをご希望の場合は、前もって登録時に予約しなkればなりません。
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to フランクフルト・アム・マイン based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。
did deutsch-institut Frankfurt