Octorial Programme - Full-time

Basil Paterson



リスニング, 話す, 発音, 読書, 書き込み, 語彙, 文法 そして 活動


毎週25レッスン (それぞれのレッスン時間 60 分)
月曜日 - 金曜日
25 12月 2025, 26 12月 2025, 01 1月 2026


09時00分00秒 - 11時00分00秒
11時00分00秒 - 11時15分00秒
11時30分00秒 - 12時30分00秒
12時30分00秒 - 13時30分00秒
13時30分00秒 - 15時30分00秒



The Octorial programme is designed to help students develop all aspects of their knowledge and use of English language, improve the core skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and develop ‘soft skills’ for their lives in an English speaking world. Our classes focus not only on accuracy and comprehension, but also on developing essential skills such as social interaction, self-study, critical thinking, and cultural awareness.
We believe that full immersion in English is the key to developing language skills, so classes are held in English in multinational classes. We encourage all our students to take full advantage of the experience by working hard inside and outside class, and by participating in the Social and Cultural programme with their classmates.
Before arrival, we ask students to complete a placement test and needs analysis. This gives us essential information about a student’s current English level, motivations, strengths, and areas to work on. We conduct an informal speaking assessment on the morning of arrival to ensure students are placed in the most appropriate class on their first day.
Teachers assess progress on a continual basis, by assessing written work, listening to spoken performance, and evaluating performance in class. During their course, learners are invited for individual coaching sessions with a teacher. The purpose of these sessions is to provide an opportunity to discuss their progress and to set achievable goals for self-study.

Lesson Descriptions

Leadership and Innovation, one three-hour class per week:
Students increase their understanding of the essential skills involved in leadership such as rapport building, problem solving, decision making and demonstrating initiative. The lesson also provides the opportunity to hone the skills involved in creativity through individual and collaborative activities. Students develop their communication skills to communicate ideas effectively, motivate and inspire others.

Individual and Collaborative Research Skills, one three-hour class per week:
Students learn and hone their skills for locating and evaluating information as well as analysing different sources. Students will have a chance to develop their abilities to set goals and work towards the completion of these with purpose and increased efficiency. Students develop their research skills for work on individual projects as well as develop their team working skills by integrating with others and being participative in activities.

Mediation and Intercultural Competency, one three-hour class per week:
In this lesson students develop and hone their abilities to function effectively across cultures while communicating appropriately. Students develop compensation strategies to work under pressure, such as regulating responses and reacting constructively when working to deadlines or dealing with change.

Comprehension, Vocabulary and Precis, one three-hour class per week:
In this lesson students develop their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills and expand their vocabulary using authentic resources. Students will further develop the skills of summarising and editing, both of which are essential academic and professional skills.

Critical Thinking: one two-hour class per week:
This class aims to develop critical thinking skills. Students will work on tasks to develop their higher order thinking skills, looking at situations from a variety of different perspectives and whether this changes their opinion on matters. The students will also have opportunities to analyse texts to identify the writer's opinion and attitude, what was really being said and whether the information was reliable or not and evidence to support this argument.

Spoken Performance, five hours per week
Students develop strategies and their abilities to speak with clarity and confidence, and to be understood. In these lessons they will learn a range of verbal and non-verbal skills for communication, and are set tasks which challenge them to develop their speaking and active expression skills.

Composition and Text analysis: Reading skills, one two-hour class per week:
Students develop reading skills such as skimming, scanning and summarising key information.The lesson will also provide opportunities to hone students' ability to fully understand and critically evaluate a text to see flaws in arguments, recognise bias and identify the writer’s position and purpose.

Composition and Text analysis: Writing Skills, one two-hour class per week:
Students develop an understanding of different writing styles, formats and registers. This can be done through story writing, writing letters, emails both formal and informal. Students hone their abilities to select, interpret and organise key ideas to ensure the message is clear, concise and accurate.


全レベル, 初心者から応用まで
あなたのクラスレベルを決めるために受講開始日にクラス分けの試験を受けることになります。 エディンバラ到着前にこのテストを受けることも可能です。


最大 学生8人


年齢範囲 16歳以上
平均 27歳




  • Basil Paterson 1/11
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BP は下記のハウジングタイプを提供します:

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 62,839

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of エディンバラ
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
施設: ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 15 - 50 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 日曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 62,839
Living in a homestay has many advantages. Most importantly, you have the chance to practise English
throughout your stay, to make friends with local people and to be immersed in the culture and language.
We choose our homestay families very carefully, both for the facilities they have to offer and,
especially, their abilities to give you the warmth and welcome of a “home from home”.
Your homestay will treat you as a full member of the household, eating together and sharing the
common living areas. You are provided with a single room, or shared room if required, a quiet place for
study and breakfast and evening meals.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 88,143

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of エディンバラ
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
施設: プライベートバスルーム, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 15 - 50 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 日曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 88,143
Ensuite/Private Bathroom homestay accommodation.



イギリスで6カ月以上学習される場合、学生受け入れ確認番号(CAS)と呼ばれる参照番号が送られてきます。これは学生ビザ申請書類と一緒にイギリス大使館に提出する必要があります。問題なく語学コースの予約ができ、お支払いを終えた学生は BPからCASが届きます。イギリスでは法律で11カ月以上英語語学留学する際にのみ発行されるものだと覚えておいてください。

イギリスで6カ月未満学習される場合、学生訪問ビザと呼ばれる特別訪問ビザを申請しなければなりません。学生訪問として渡航するので、就学中にアルバイトはできません。6カ月未満学習される予定でしたら、受諾レターが無料の普通郵便でご自宅に送られてきます。もしエクスプレスメールで書類を届けてほしい場合は、登録時に !amount追加料金が加算されることになります。

イギリスのビザ取得についてもっと詳しく »


Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to エディンバラ based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。

保険のプランについてもっと調べる »


Q & A

ご質問はありますか? Basil Patersonのスタッフまたは過去の学生から回答を得ましょう。
