IELTS Exam Preparation (minimum 4 weeks)

EC English Language Schools: Bristol



International English Language Testing System (IELTS:国際英語力試験) は、イギリス、カナダ、オーストラリア、マルタ、南アフリカのほとんどの大学と、アメリカの一部の教育機関で必要とされる資格です。

IELTS は職能団体で必要とされることも多く、カナダとオーストラリアへの移住申請の際にも求められます。

最高のスコアを獲得するには、最高のサポートが必要です。EC の IELTS 英検対策コースは成功への重要な第一歩となります。こんな方にお勧めのコースです

開講校 通年
レッスンの長さ 45分
受入最低年齢 16歳
受講可能レベル インターメディエイト
開始日 毎週月曜日
クラス人数 最大 14名このコースの特長
本校の教師陣は、IELTS 試験で高いスコアを獲得するには何が必要かを熟知しています。リーディング、ライティング、スピーキング、リスニングの力を大きく向上させ、IELTS で求められる内容をしっかり理解することで、試験の結果もそれに応じたものになります。

EC では、生徒の真の力を引き出して試験結果に結びつけます。すなわち、文法、語彙、イディオムを理解し、完璧な発音の秘訣を把握するための指導を行います。また、英語を話す国で過ごすことで英語力が上達していくことも実感できるはずです。




リスニング, 話す, 発音, 読書, 書き込み, 語彙 そして 文法


毎週20レッスン (それぞれのレッスン時間 45 分)
月曜日 - 金曜日
18 4月 2025, 21 4月 2025, 05 5月 2025, 26 5月 2025, 25 8月 2025, 25 12月 2025, 26 12月 2025

EC Bristolは上記の祝祭日にクラスを開講しません。この祝祭日のために補習授業は行いませんので、それに応じて開始日をお選びください。


09時00分00秒 - 12時15分00秒
12時45分00秒 - 14時15分00秒
12時15分00秒 - 12時45分00秒



あなたのクラスレベルを決めるために受講開始日にクラス分けの試験を受けることになります。 ブリストル到着前にこのテストを受けることも可能です。


平均 学生11人
最大 学生15人


年齢範囲 16歳以上
平均 25歳
(23 夏で)




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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Bristol 55/152
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100% お勧めの


"A good experience."

Roberta Torri, 学生フォーム イタリア

Lessons with John: excellent.
Lesson with Anah: good, but sometimes boring and she was not so prepared.

During the first week there were too much italian students in the class, then other students have been added.



2 Jul 2018 - 13 Jul 2018

"Very Good"

Daniele Terracina, 学生フォーム イタリア

Classes: sometime with too many people of the same country
Teachers: really funny and professional
Location: perfect
Facilities: perfect
Activities: uninteresting
Housing: Perfect

I'm very disappointed by the activities, that have been very boring, uninteresting and ripetitive, in 2 months I had just 1 trip(to London), i was expecting much more.

As for the rest, it has been a pleasure to live this experience.



6 Nov 2017 - 22 Dec 2017

"The school has high value of teaching and organizing. They have friendly and very helpful staff, and modern equipment."

Éva Márton, 学生フォーム ハンガリー

There are very good teachers, and the classes are interesting, useful and flexible to needs. The location is very good. It is easy to go there by walking from the accommodation. The facilities and activities are attractive and interesting, and were well-organized.

The staff is very kind, friendly, and helped in everything.
The weakest point for me was the accommodation. It got noisy at night.



20 Apr 2015 - 1 May 2015

"Wonderful experience."

Julien Saint-James, 学生フォーム フランス

The school is very good. The teachers are friendly and very good.
Moreover, the activities in the school and during your trip are quite interesting!
The school is next to the center of Bristol, and the places next to it are wonderful!



21 Oct 2013 - 25 Oct 2013


EC Bristol は下記のハウジングタイプを提供します:

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 43,228

Homestay - Single room, Self catering

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
学校までの距離: 15 - 50 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 43,228
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience home-away-from-home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will have a unique cultural experience (it's a great way to directly learn about British culture). In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

The homestay consists of mixed gender accommodation with single or twin room (if you book with a friend). Each room is furnished with a bed, desk/table, chest of drawers or a wardrobe, mirror and a waste paper basket. Some rooms have TVs.

Additionally, students will have access to common areas such as the lounge, kitchen and dining room. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the homestay provider. Our homestay provider will offer one wash per week - anything extra will be at the homestay's discretion.

Internet access is available and telephone access is restricted to incoming calls only.

Homestays are arranged via our accommodation partner, Hosts International, who are registered with the British Council.

A variety of food is provided. Homestay providers may adjust the type of food offered when taking into consideration religious beliefs. It is important to mention this at the time of your booking. Vegetarians, or people with food allergies should specify their eating options upon booking so this can be shared with their host prior to arrival.

Breakfast varies from one homestay to another. It is usually self-service and includes bread, coffee and cereal. Hosts are encouraged to offer students whatever is typical for their home.

You will eat whatever the hosts eat. Dinners are usually quite early in Britain but hosts will inform you of the time when they eat.

ホームステイ - 2人シェアルーム - 朝食と夕食

¥ 46,391

Homestay -Twin room,half board

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
施設: 電話 そして ワイヤレスインターネット
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 46,391

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食

¥ 46,391

Homestay - Single room, Bed & breakfast

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食 (1週に7食)
学校までの距離: 35 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 46,391
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience home-away-from-home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will have a unique cultural experience (it's a great way to directly learn about British culture). In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

The homestay consists of mixed gender accommodation with single or twin room (if you book with a friend). Each room is furnished with a bed, desk/table, chest of drawers or a wardrobe, mirror and a waste paper basket. Some rooms have TVs.

Additionally, students will have access to common areas such as the lounge, kitchen and dining room. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the homestay provider. Our homestay provider will offer one wash per week - anything extra will be at the homestay's discretion.

Internet access is available and telephone access is restricted to incoming calls only.

Homestays are arranged via our accommodation partner, Hosts International, who are registered with the British Council.

A variety of food is provided. Homestay providers may adjust the type of food offered when taking into consideration religious beliefs. It is important to mention this at the time of your booking. Vegetarians, or people with food allergies should specify their eating options upon booking so this can be shared with their host prior to arrival.

Breakfast varies from one homestay to another. It is usually self-service and includes bread, coffee and cereal. Hosts are encouraged to offer students whatever is typical for their home.

You will eat whatever the hosts eat. Dinners are usually quite early in Britain but hosts will inform you of the time when they eat.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 52,717

Homestay - Single room, half board

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 52,717
Single room, half board

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 56,934

Homestay U18 - Single room, half board

年齢範囲: 16 - 17歳
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
学校までの距離: 15 - 50 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 56,934
Homestaying is the perfect way to experience home-away-from-home. You will enjoy all the comforts of home life: security, comfort and home cooked food, plus, you will have a unique cultural experience (it's a great way to directly learn about British culture). In addition, you will be able to use your English in a natural environment outside of the classroom.

The homestay consists of mixed gender accommodation with single or twin room (if you book with a friend). Each room is furnished with a bed, desk/table, chest of drawers or a wardrobe, mirror and a waste paper basket. Some rooms have TVs.

Additionally, students will have access to common areas such as the lounge, kitchen and dining room. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the homestay provider. Our homestay provider will offer one wash per week - anything extra will be at the homestay's discretion.

Internet access is available and telephone access is restricted to incoming calls only.

Homestays are arranged via our accommodation partner, Hosts International, who are registered with the British Council.

A variety of food is provided. Homestay providers may adjust the type of food offered when taking into consideration religious beliefs. It is important to mention this at the time of your booking. Vegetarians, or people with food allergies should specify their eating options upon booking so this can be shared with their host prior to arrival.

Breakfast varies from one homestay to another. It is usually self-service and includes bread, coffee and cereal. Hosts are encouraged to offer students whatever is typical for their home.

You will eat whatever the hosts eat. Dinners are usually quite early in Britain but hosts will inform you of the time when they eat.

Student residence - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 64,315

Summer Residence - Single room, private bathroom, self catering (available 28 Jun - 23 Aug)

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: Student residence
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: プライベートバスルーム
学校までの距離: 10 分 walkで
可用性: 28 6月 2025 - 23 8月 2025
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 64,315
Summer Residence
Single room, private bathroom, self-catering

Student residence - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 67,478

Joint Living Shared House - Single room, shared bathroom, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
住所: 67 Downman Road, Bristol BS7 9TZ
のハウジングタイプ: Student residence
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, そして ガーデン
学校までの距離: 35 - 40 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 67,478
Description of Local Area
Nestled in the vibrant city of Bristol, UK, Lockleaze offers a unique blend of community spirit, green spaces, and convenient amenities. Residents enjoy a tight-knit community where neighbors come together to support one another through local events and initiatives, fostering strong connections. Nature lovers appreciate the abundance of green spaces, while convenient amenities such as shops and cafes make daily life hassle-free. With its diverse culture celebrated through events and festivals, Lockleaze boasts a rich history and a strong sense of identity, making it a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who call it home.

Description of Accommodation
This student accommodation in Bristol has been newly renovated and designed to a high spec. It has 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and the house is in a cul de sac with free residential parking.

All bedrooms are doubles and the large open plan kitchen and living area provides an excellent social space for you and your housemates to use, this backs on to a patio garden with seating.

Cleaning service provided for communal areas every 2 weeks
Laundry facilities include one washing machine and one dryer. Students need to buy their own washing detergents.
Utility bills included
Kitchen utensils provided

Student residence - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 91,728

IQ Bristol Residence - Single room, ensuite bathroom, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: Student residence
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: プライベートバスルーム, キッチン, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, そして 24/7 監督
学校までの距離: 15 分 walkで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 91,728
IQ Bristol Residence



イギリスで6カ月以上学習される場合、学生受け入れ確認番号(CAS)と呼ばれる参照番号が送られてきます。これは学生ビザ申請書類と一緒にイギリス大使館に提出する必要があります。問題なく語学コースの予約ができ、お支払いを終えた学生は EC BristolからCASが届きます。イギリスでは法律で11カ月以上英語語学留学する際にのみ発行されるものだと覚えておいてください。

イギリスで6カ月未満学習される場合、学生訪問ビザと呼ばれる特別訪問ビザを申請しなければなりません。学生訪問として渡航するので、就学中にアルバイトはできません。6カ月未満学習される予定でしたら、受諾レターが無料の普通郵便でご自宅に送られてきます。もしエクスプレスメールで書類を届けてほしい場合は、登録時に £ 75追加料金が加算されることになります。

イギリスのビザ取得についてもっと詳しく »


Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to ブリストル based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。

保険のプランについてもっと調べる »


Q & A

ご質問はありますか? EC English Language Schools: Bristolのスタッフまたは過去の学生から回答を得ましょう。
