Via Timoleone 10, Taormina, Sicilia 98039, Italy
リスニング, 話す, 発音, 読書, 書き込み, 語彙, 文法 そして 活動
***this programme must be booked in combination with two weeks of Intensive course (4 lessons a day), accommodation not included***
This program is specifically geared to travelers over 50 who want to study Italian and, at the same time, learn more about the history, culture, traditions and society of Sicily including cooking, food and wines of Sicily!!! It's the perfect way to enjoy a full cultural experience in a leisure time while socializing with new friends. Language classes take place in the morning, with a whole range of cultural activities and excursions following in the afternoons and evenings.
Program details:
• Saturday/Sunday Arrival day
• Monday Lunch together at school & orientation and information
“Taormina: an open air Art History lesson!” (guided walking tour)
• Tuesday “History of Sicily” (lecture at school)
• Wednesday Trip to Etna (half-day hiking excursion)
• Thursday “Sicilia in bocca!” (cooking lesson: cooking & tasting)
• Friday free day
• Saturday/Sunday Trip to Siracuse, Neapolis and Ortigia (full day guided excursion)
• Monday free day
• Tuesday “The Sicilian Writers in the Italian Literature” (lecture at school)
• Wednesday Savoca and Forza d'Agrò, the places of movie "Il Padrino" (half-day guided excursion)
• Thursday “Cheese & Wines of Sicily” (lecture & tasting)
• Saturday/Sunday Departure day
More information:
• this programme must be booked in combination with two weeks of Intensive course (4 lessons a day), accomodation not included
• 50+ students can have language classes on their own (50+ students only) for false beginner/elementary/intermediate level, given that we have at least 3 50+ students per level, otherwise we will guarantee the level in our regular classes
• the program is open to Absolute Beginners too. Absolute Beginners 50+ students will have their classes with our regular Absolute Beginners students.
• the social, cultural, leisure program will be run mostly in Italian, some English might be used only to summarize the content of the activities or guided tours
平均 | 学生6人 |
最大 | 学生12人 |
年齢範囲 | 50 - 90歳 |
平均 | 40歳 (30 夏で) |
1992年以来、私たちシチリア島のタオルミーナにあるイタリア語研究センター“ BABILONIA”は、イタリア語とイタリアとシチリアの遺産と文化の振興に熱心に取り組んできました。私たちは、学生にイタリア語を学ぶ機会を提供するだけでなく、イタリアの文化とイタリアの生活を直接体験できるように努力します。
私たちのコースやプログラムは、ギリシャ劇場からわずか200mの1817年に建てられた歴史的なヴィラ、「Casa Silva」で開催されています。別荘は今日でも柑橘類の木、地中海の植物、何世紀も前のヤシの木、サルのパズルの木とモクレン、さらに他の多くのエキゾチックな木と植物でいっぱいの豪華な植物園を誇っています。
・シチリア島のItalian plus Golf(詳細情報はこちら)
has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in イタリア. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
BABILONIA – CENTER FOR ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTUREは期間、コース、レベルに分かれ、それぞれいろんな国籍や年齢の人が入れ混ざっています。 その年の学生の平均年齢は40歳です。 その夏の学生の平均年齢は30歳です。
この学校は!country nameを含めて世界中から生徒を受け入れています。
1992年以来、私たちシチリア島のタオルミーナにあるイタリア語研究センター“ BABILONIA”は、イタリア語とイタリアとシチリアの遺産と文化の振興に熱心に取り組んできました。私たちは、学生にイタリア語を学ぶ機会を提供するだけでなく、イタリアの文化とイタリアの生活を直接体験できるように努力します。
私たちのコースやプログラムは、ギリシャ劇場からわずか200mの1817年に建てられた歴史的なヴィラ、「Casa Silva」で開催されています。別荘は今日でも柑橘類の木、地中海の植物、何世紀も前のヤシの木、サルのパズルの木とモクレン、さらに他の多くのエキゾチックな木と植物でいっぱいの豪華な植物園を誇っています。
・シチリア島のItalian plus Golf(詳細情報はこちら)
The first week was unfortunately not very efficient for me because I joined a level too low, I was quite underchallenged….that‘s why I rated with 4 stars.
The second week was perfect - right level and small group.
The teacher was very flexible, adjusted the lessons to our question and demanded always enough to keep us concentrated and interested.
The location is magic - you enter the class rooms from an inner yard where you find a restaurant in a wonderful garden.
I liked it all, the first day too much confusion about finding the right level. Housing fine.
詳細表示 » もっと読む...The class was appropriate according my skills. We were 8 participants in the section communicative,( semistandard course). The location of the school is charming, in the very center of Taormina, an old historical place with a beautiful garden. The school offered extra activities dealing with Italian cooking, knowledge of Italian wines, ceramics, sport activities and diving. In addition it was possible to participate in lessons on Sicilian writers, history of Sicilia and on history of the Sicilian art. The school offered possibilities to accommodate in the rooms arranged by the Babilonia center. I did not take part in any extra activities and lived in a hotel arranged by myself. I traveled with my husband.
I had two teachers during the week: A young lady and a young man. The lady was very talented and I felt that I progressed in my skills a bit. The same I cannot say of the male teacher: I had a feeling that he did not concentrate on the teaching enough. The subjects he spoke about were too large, too difficult and he did not clarified properly on the matter. He was too "high" and too quick for me, and also left us for many minutes alone, while we were trying to speak with each other.
ホームステイ先は慎重に選ばれ、Taorminaでイタリア語を学習される間、快適な環境で地元の文化を更に学ぶいいチャンスです。 このホームステイ先は公共交通機関を利用して学校から3~20分で通える距離に所在しています。 ホストファミリーはたいてい手頃な値段の献立てで、地元料理をお試しさせてくれます。(アレルギーや健康上の理由で)特別な要望、食事制限があるのであれば前もって私共へお知らせください。 あなたの滞在場所はクラス開始日の前の日曜日~最終日の後の土曜日までご利用可能です。 ホームステイ先についてもっと詳しい情報
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner - 2 students must book together
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner - 2 students must book together
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Taorminaで学習される間、アパート賃貸することも可能ですが、その方が高くつく傾向があります。BABILONIA – CENTER FOR ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTUREはアパート賃貸のアシスタントも提供していますので、自分自身でアパートを借りることができます。アパート賃貸についてもっと詳しい情報
Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together
Shared apartment - Single-person room - No meals
Private apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together
Private apartment - Single-person room - No meals
BABILONIA – CENTER FOR ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTUREはホステル探し、ご予約のアシスタントを提供しますし、ご自分でお部屋をご予約されても結構です。 ホステル住まいについてもっと詳しい情報
2-star Hotel - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together
2-star hotel - Single-person room - Breakfast
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Taormina based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。