Academic Semester/Year 30

EC English Language Schools: Cambridge



リスニング, 話す, 発音, 読書, 書き込み, 語彙 そして 文法


毎週30レッスン (それぞれのレッスン時間 45 分)
月曜日 - 金曜日
18 4月 2025, 21 4月 2025, 05 5月 2025, 26 5月 2025, 25 8月 2025, 25 12月 2025, 26 12月 2025

EC Cambridgeは上記の祝祭日にクラスを開講しません。この祝祭日のために補習授業は行いませんので、それに応じて開始日をお選びください。


09時00分00秒 - 12時15分00秒
12時15分00秒 - 12時45分00秒
12時45分00秒 - 15時00分00秒



The Intensive Academic Semester/Year course focuses on language fluency as a main goal.The four major skills students will practice are reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students are active participants and learn grammar, vocabulary and common expressions by working and speaking with their classmates. The extra 10 lessons in this course allow for much extra time learning and practicing all of the skills, so students can speak and communicate at a much faster speed. Students are active participants in this course and learn by doing!
Please note that the first day is mainly focused on pre-test and orientation
This is the timetable of the student:
08:30 - Student arrival and check-in
09:00 - Placement test and interviews
11:00 - Welcome breakfast and orientation with various EC staff members
12:00 - Welcome tour of school neighbourhood

Students taking courses with 20 or 24 lessons per week will not have class on the first day due to orientation, while those taking courses with 30 lessons per week will have two classes in the afternoon on the first day after orientation.


全レベル, 初心者から応用まで
あなたのクラスレベルを決めるために受講開始日にクラス分けの試験を受けることになります。 ケンブリッジ到着前にこのテストを受けることも可能です。


平均 学生10人
最大 学生15人


年齢範囲 16歳以上
平均 24歳
(19 夏で)




  • EC English Language Schools: Cambridgeの休憩室 1/93
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83% お勧めの


"It was insane to meet so many people from different countries."

Christian Herrmann, 学生フォーム ドイツ

It was a so cool location. In the city of Cambridge, the architecture was wonderful. My teacher Oli was the best teacher. He made a lot of fun in the Class, and we made very cool staff. The Guys in my classes. They were very funny we learned together, that was very cool. The activities in Cambridge are very beautiful. The river "Cam" is cool you can ride by boat there and see all the universities. The kings college is a big building with a big garden outside. It is very nice. My apartment was cool. I had a single room with kitchen so cool myself. But the restaurants in Cambridge a very was a wonderful experience to met so many people from different countries. They are so friendly and funny. I will do it again.



29 Jul 2019 - 16 Aug 2019

"One week course was too short for me."

Enni Nurmi, 学生フォーム フィンランド

Location of the school was fine for me (even though the address changed from Guildhall Place to Burleigh Street)
Facilities were good too, Wi-Fi worked well. The speakers on the first day (introduction) were very clear and it was nice and easy to listen to them. The tour with the Portuguese girl was nice.

The group on the first day was not the best for me. I felt myself "too good" in this group. It was not possible to have any conversation with them.

I would like to have talked more, and not to study so much unimportant words, e.g. country names. I have studied them at school many times. Homework and exercises were mostly okay, but maybe they were too easy at the beginning.

The teacher was not the best possible for me - I'm not so interested in history of the buildings and buying Christmas cards and food for his family. There were too many breaks on the sight seeing tour too, just to rest and smoke - and I'm more interested in sports.

Some parts on the last two days were almost too difficult for me, e.g some preposition exercises. But mostly they were okay.

I feel that I didn't get enough speaking exercise - which was the original aim. But I got more self confidence anyway. I can manage alone abroad.



5 Dec 2016 - 9 Dec 2016

"Definitely helpful"

Tommaso Poli, 学生フォーム イタリア

I found availability and kindness from everyone. The accommodation was perfect in terms of both residence and the family. When I had a little problem with my first family, it was immediately solved really carefully. The teachers and the system of teaching allowed me to increase my IELTS score from 6.5 to 7.5, with a peak in reading and writing where I got respectively 9 and 6.5, in just one month (with an important personal effort).

I have to thank everyone at EC School of Cambridge for this important result!



17 Aug 2015 - 11 Sep 2015

"I would like to say it is a great school to learn more in English and to increase your level"

ANTHONY PETARD, 学生フォーム フランス

I don't have a lot of time to explain my great experience. The teachers are really excellent and the support team is really efficient in helping students. It's a nice school with nice teachers. The location is really good. We are near to the city centre and the facilities outside and inside (I'm talking about in the school) are very good. I think the most important thing for me is the quality of teaching. Of course classes, too. Inside everything is comfortable.



2 Dec 2013 - 20 Dec 2013

"One week is not enough"

Tatjana Jevtjukova, 学生フォーム エストニア

Excellent school location in the city center. I liked that the class had few students (5-6), and the teacher could give attention to everyone. I did not like that extra lessons (Intensive English) were taught to a mixed group where students had different levels of knowledge, and it was hard to me.



18 Jun 2012 - 22 Jun 2012
50 - 64

"I didn`t feel intensive language acquisition"

Nina, 学生フォーム ロシア

I liked the convenient location of the school and the opportunity to visit other cities in the weekend. I didn`t like that I lived in a separate house without any conveniences. The school does not have an individual approach to students.



9 Apr 2012 - 20 Apr 2012
50 - 64

"A great experience for those who want to have it for more than 4 weeks."

Andreaa Hrinca, 学生フォーム ルーマニア

I liked: - teachers - administrative staff - administrative staff attitude I did not like: - the time I spent was too short and I had not the chance to change the group I work with (my level was higher and some of the lessons were boring for me)



14 Jun 2010 - 18 Jun 2010
25 - 34

"Organized chaotically, but overall a good experience and fun"

oberrauch sophia, 学生フォーム オーストリア

the size of class was good, two teachers were ok, one was horrible, teachers weren´t organized (should make a test but cd for listening wasn´t found; copies weren´t made...), what I learnd, I didn´t learn at school but being together with new friends after school.
the housing was ok, but I was booked to another family and 4 students just were to many in one tiny house. I wanted to stay in a english family to get in contact with the english way of life, but my host family wasn´t english at all.
It was o.k. but I don´t think that I can recommend it to friends.



19 Jul 2010 - 30 Jul 2010
25 - 34

"It was an experience I will never forget"

Enar García Aguilar, 学生フォーム スペイン

The classes were very good, especially the ones that we did speaking, that I learned a lot. The teachers were very nice and friendly with us. The location for me was horrible because I was with a family that lives in the other side of the city, in Trumpington so, everyday I had a lot of problems to get to the school. The activities were also very good I had a lot of fun. The housefamily was fantastic! (but it was not boked by the school)



21 Jun 2010 - 3 Jul 2010

"Short but nice learning experience."

Simona Gitu, 学生フォーム ルーマニア

Overall, was a nice learning experience, but because I had only a week for my classes, and this week was part of a 3 months program, I felt that the classes were not customized to my needs.
I really enjoyed the classes with John Walker and Simon ...(sorry, but I don't remember the last name).



14 Jun 2010 - 18 Jun 2010

"Not enough teatcher a class are full"

Salima SIMON, 学生フォーム フランス

After 5 weeks in EC school Cambridge, I think there are very good think for a students but it miss very other.

I think a teacher are fine and they try to do them best, but a classes are very full, and unfortunatly a rooms are very small.

I think EC cambridge should have more teatchers.

I can to give you an exemple, I want to have a one to one classes and I paid , but in my first week I didn't have this one to one classes because there weren't enough teachers, it not serious, and anybody give me informations about what I paid and about what I lost ??? for that I try to find a solution.

I live in a Hills road residence, I had some problems in the first week ""a shower doesn't work in my singleroom!!"" but fortunatelly a people of the school find a solution and I could take my shower all days.

But seriously , I try before EC another school , and I think a quality of the lessons and a residence are better in EC.

Thank you




15 Feb 2010 - 7 May 2010
50 - 64

"I want to say first that my school was in Cambridge and not in London. But every thing was very good. I've really enjoyed it."

Mariangela Meyer, 学生フォーム スイス

Every thing was good, teacher, classmates, my host Family was wonderful, I'll miss my host dog as well, that was in my room quite every morning to say me good morning. So, was a good experience for me. The EC team really knows what a student of foreign Language needs.



1 Feb 2010 - 5 Mar 2010
25 - 34


EC Cambridge は下記のハウジングタイプを提供します:

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 44,282

Homestay - Single room, Self catering

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of ケンブリッジ
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
学校までの距離: 30 - 40 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 44,282
Staying with a local family is both exciting and rewarding. Host families provide the best insight into how British families live their day-to-day lives. This interaction with a family will help you communicate better, faster and allow you to pick up words and nuances used in daily situations. There is no typical homestay in Cambridge. Some homes are single standing homes; others can be apartments or townhouses. Cambridge is a very multi-cultural city and a lot of people are originally from different countries, so families may have different backgrounds. Living with a family in Cambridge will give you a great view of all the different cultures and ethnicities that Cambridge has to offer.

Choose between a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed and a closet to store your personal belongings and clothes. If there is not a desk in your room, the host family will provide you with a quiet place to study. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. You will also have access to a shared bathroom. Private bathrooms are also an option, upon request and availability.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. The host family will be happy to launder the sheets and towels once a week. You are responsible for doing your own personal laundry. You will be allowed to have one free wash per week. It is very common for families to have a designated laundry day. Internet access is available upon request (and if requested, will be free of charge). Telephone access is dependent on the host family.

ホームステイ - 2人シェアルーム - 朝食と夕食

¥ 48,500

Homestay - Twin room, half board

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of ケンブリッジ
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 40 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
制限: 2人の学生が登録されている必要ががございます
¥ 48,500
Staying with a local family is both exciting and rewarding. Host families provide the best insight into how British families live their day-to-day lives. This interaction with a family will help you communicate better, faster and allow you to pick up words and nuances used in daily situations. There is no typical homestay in Cambridge. Some homes are single standing homes; others can be apartments or townhouses. Cambridge is a very multi-cultural city and a lot of people are originally from different countries, so families may have different backgrounds. Living with a family in Cambridge will give you a great view of all the different cultures and ethnicities that Cambridge has to offer.

Choose between a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed and a closet to store your personal belongings and clothes. If there is not a desk in your room, the host family will provide you with a quiet place to study. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. You will also have access to a shared bathroom. Private bathrooms are also an option, upon request and availability.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. The host family will be happy to launder the sheets and towels once a week. You are responsible for doing your own personal laundry. You will be allowed to have one free wash per week. It is very common for families to have a designated laundry day. Internet access is available upon request (and if requested, will be free of charge). Telephone access is dependent on the host family.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食

¥ 48,500

Homestay - Single room, Bed & breakfast

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of ケンブリッジ
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食 (1週に7食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 40 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 48,500
Staying with a local family is both exciting and rewarding. Host families provide the best insight into how British families live their day-to-day lives. This interaction with a family will help you communicate better, faster and allow you to pick up words and nuances used in daily situations. There is no typical homestay in Cambridge. Some homes are single standing homes; others can be apartments or townhouses. Cambridge is a very multi-cultural city and a lot of people are originally from different countries, so families may have different backgrounds. Living with a family in Cambridge will give you a great view of all the different cultures and ethnicities that Cambridge has to offer.

Choose between a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed and a closet to store your personal belongings and clothes. If there is not a desk in your room, the host family will provide you with a quiet place to study. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. You will also have access to a shared bathroom. Private bathrooms are also an option, upon request and availability.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. The host family will be happy to launder the sheets and towels once a week. You are responsible for doing your own personal laundry. You will be allowed to have one free wash per week. It is very common for families to have a designated laundry day. Internet access is available upon request (and if requested, will be free of charge). Telephone access is dependent on the host family.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 54,826

Homestay - Single room, half board

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
所在地: Outside the city center of ケンブリッジ
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 40 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 54,826
Staying with a local family is both exciting and rewarding. Host families provide the best insight into how British families live their day-to-day lives. This interaction with a family will help you communicate better, faster and allow you to pick up words and nuances used in daily situations. There is no typical homestay in Cambridge. Some homes are single standing homes; others can be apartments or townhouses. Cambridge is a very multi-cultural city and a lot of people are originally from different countries, so families may have different backgrounds. Living with a family in Cambridge will give you a great view of all the different cultures and ethnicities that Cambridge has to offer.

Choose between a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed and a closet to store your personal belongings and clothes. If there is not a desk in your room, the host family will provide you with a quiet place to study. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. You will also have access to a shared bathroom. Private bathrooms are also an option, upon request and availability.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. The host family will be happy to launder the sheets and towels once a week. You are responsible for doing your own personal laundry. You will be allowed to have one free wash per week. It is very common for families to have a designated laundry day. Internet access is available upon request (and if requested, will be free of charge). Telephone access is dependent on the host family.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 59,043

Homestay U18 - Single room, half board

年齢範囲: 16 - 17歳
所在地: Outside the city center of ケンブリッジ
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 40 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 59,043
Staying with a local family is both exciting and rewarding. Host families provide the best insight into how British families live their day-to-day lives. This interaction with a family will help you communicate better, faster and allow you to pick up words and nuances used in daily situations. There is no typical homestay in Cambridge. Some homes are single standing homes; others can be apartments or townhouses. Cambridge is a very multi-cultural city and a lot of people are originally from different countries, so families may have different backgrounds. Living with a family in Cambridge will give you a great view of all the different cultures and ethnicities that Cambridge has to offer.

Choose between a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed and a closet to store your personal belongings and clothes. If there is not a desk in your room, the host family will provide you with a quiet place to study. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. You will also have access to a shared bathroom. Private bathrooms are also an option, upon request and availability.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. The host family will be happy to launder the sheets and towels once a week. You are responsible for doing your own personal laundry. You will be allowed to have one free wash per week. It is very common for families to have a designated laundry day. Internet access is available upon request (and if requested, will be free of charge). Telephone access is dependent on the host family.

Student residence - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 61,152

Newmarket Road Shared House - Single room, shared bathroom, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
住所: 22 The Westering, Cambridge CB5 8SF, UK
のハウジングタイプ: Student residence
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: キッチン, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, テレビの部屋, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 61,152
Description of Local Area
The Newmarket Road Shared House (by Tas Accommodation) is conveniently located property just 30 minutes away from the town centre by bus, and just 17 minutes by bicycle, making this a great choice for students. The bus stop is a 5 minute walk from the house, and there is a convenience store 10 minutes away on foot.
Description of Accommodation
The Newmarket Road Shared House offers contemporary boutique-style accommodation with each room having its own unique character. We offer single rooms with ensuite bathroom or single rooms with shared bathroom. Students have access to a fully equipped communal kitchen.

Each room includes the following:

Wall mounted flat screen TV
Wardrobe and chest of drawers
Rooms cleaned before arrival and once a month during the student’s stay. Weekly cleaning service for common areas is also provided.
There is one washing machine available at no cost. Students need to buy their own washing liquid.
Luggage drop off service not available.
Kitchen utensils provided.
Utility bills included.
CCTV on site.

Student residence - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 66,424

Newmarket Road Shared House - Single room, ensuite bathroom, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
住所: 22 The Westering, Cambridge CB5 8SF, UK
のハウジングタイプ: Student residence
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: プライベートバスルーム, キッチン, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, テレビの部屋, そして 暖房
学校までの距離: 30 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 66,424
Description of Local Area
The Newmarket Road Shared House (by Tas Accommodation) is conveniently located property just 30 minutes away from the town centre by bus, and just 17 minutes by bicycle, making this a great choice for students. The bus stop is a 5 minute walk from the house, and there is a convenience store 10 minutes away on foot.
Description of Accommodation
The Newmarket Road Shared House offers contemporary boutique-style accommodation with each room having its own unique character. We offer single rooms with ensuite bathroom or single rooms with shared bathroom. Students have access to a fully equipped communal kitchen.

Each room includes the following:

Wall mounted flat screen TV
Wardrobe and chest of drawers
Rooms cleaned before arrival and once a month during the student’s stay. Weekly cleaning service for common areas is also provided.
There is one washing machine available at no cost. Students need to buy their own washing liquid.
Luggage drop off service not available.
Kitchen utensils provided.
Utility bills included.
CCTV on site.

Student residence - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 90,673

Student Castle Residence - Single Studio room, ensuite bathroom, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
住所: 1 Milton Rd, Cambridge CB4 1UY
のハウジングタイプ: Student residence
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: プライベートバスルーム, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, テレビの部屋, 暖房, そして スポーツ施設
学校までの距離: 20 分 walkで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 90,673
Description of Local Area
This contemporary student residence is located just a short cycle to Trinity College, Jesus Green (4-minute walk), the River Cam, as well as the neighbourhood’s cafe and boutique shops. There are frequent buses to the city centre and it’s just a 12 minute journey to the school.

Description of Accommodation
Student Castle Cambridge consists of 6 distinct blocks (Blocks A-F), each containing 4 floors of student accommodation (Ground Floor – 3rd Floor). The studios are all modern, self-contained studios (including a private shower and toilet) with plenty of storage.

The studios include the following:

Study desk and chair
Standard double bed
Kitchenette and breakfast bar
Room cleaning service available on demand. The students can book the room clean and bed linen change for the additional £20 (pay at the school.
Luggage drop off service available
24-Hours Security, CCTV and concierge on site
Strong pastoral support is provided
A range of free events during the year
Kitchenette includes: fridge, oven and 2 hobs, 1 medium pot, 1 large pot, 1 frying pan, 1 bowl, 1 small plate, 1 large plate, 1 cutlery set, 1 mug, 1 kettle, 1 glass, 1 potato masher, 2 ladles, 2 spatulas, 2 chopping knives, 1 tin opener.



イギリスで6カ月以上学習される場合、学生受け入れ確認番号(CAS)と呼ばれる参照番号が送られてきます。これは学生ビザ申請書類と一緒にイギリス大使館に提出する必要があります。問題なく語学コースの予約ができ、お支払いを終えた学生は EC CambridgeからCASが届きます。イギリスでは法律で11カ月以上英語語学留学する際にのみ発行されるものだと覚えておいてください。

イギリスで6カ月未満学習される場合、学生訪問ビザと呼ばれる特別訪問ビザを申請しなければなりません。学生訪問として渡航するので、就学中にアルバイトはできません。6カ月未満学習される予定でしたら、受諾レターが無料の普通郵便でご自宅に送られてきます。もしエクスプレスメールで書類を届けてほしい場合は、登録時に £ 75追加料金が加算されることになります。

イギリスのビザ取得についてもっと詳しく »


この学校は空港までの送迎サービスを提供しています。お迎えを希望されるのであればフライト情報と到着日を教えてください。学校からLondon Stansted Airportまでの片道の値段は £ 150です。空港送迎サービスをご希望の場合は、前もって登録時に予約しなkればなりません。

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to ケンブリッジ based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


安心して留学できるLanguage Internationalの国際医療・携行品損害保険の保証内容。あなたが私共を通してコースの予約をするとき、医療面や携行品損害もカバーしてくれる国際保険に加入することができます。ご登録の際に前もって保険を予約しなければなりません。

保険のプランについてもっと調べる »


Q & A

ご質問はありますか? EC English Language Schools: Cambridgeのスタッフまたは過去の学生から回答を得ましょう。
