Academic Semester/Year 24

EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles





開講校 通年
レッスンの長さ 45分
受入最低年齢 16歳
レッスン数 週 24/30 レッスン(18/22.5時間)。30 レッスン - ジェネラル英語 20 レッスン + TOEFL 選択 10 レッスン
受講期間 24週間以上
受講レベル ビギナー~アドバンス
開始日 毎週月曜日
クラス人数 最大 15名このコースの特長



リスニング, 話す, 発音, 読書, 書き込み, 語彙 そして 文法


毎週24レッスン (それぞれのレッスン時間 45 分)
月曜日 - 金曜日
31 3月 2025, 26 5月 2025, 19 6月 2025, 04 7月 2025, 01 9月 2025, 13 10月 2025, 11 11月 2025, 27 11月 2025 - 28 11月 2025, 25 12月 2025

EC Los Angelesは上記の祝祭日にクラスを開講しません。この祝祭日のために補習授業は行いませんので、それに応じて開始日をお選びください。



全レベル, 初心者から応用まで
あなたのクラスレベルを決めるために受講開始日にクラス分けの試験を受けることになります。 ロサンゼルス到着前にこのテストを受けることも可能です。


平均 学生11人
最大 学生15人


年齢範囲 16歳以上
平均 25歳




  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesに入る 1/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesの受付 2/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesの教室 3/203
  • Classes at EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 4/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesのコンピューター室 5/203
  • City of ロサンゼルス 6/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesの提供する学生寮 7/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesで行われている活動 8/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesの廊下 9/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesの休憩室 10/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesに入る 11/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesの建物 12/203
  • City of ロサンゼルス 13/203
  • City of ロサンゼルス 14/203
  • EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 15/203
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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 44/203
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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 50/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 51/203
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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 53/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 54/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 55/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 56/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 57/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 58/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 59/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 60/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 61/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 62/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 63/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 64/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 65/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 66/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 67/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 68/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 69/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 70/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 71/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 72/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 73/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 74/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 75/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 76/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 77/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 78/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 79/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 80/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 81/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 82/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 83/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 84/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 85/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 86/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 87/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 88/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 89/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 90/203
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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 94/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 95/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 96/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 97/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 98/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 99/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 100/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 101/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 102/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 103/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 104/203
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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 112/203
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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 118/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 119/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 120/203
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  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 123/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 124/203
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: Los Angeles 125/203
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78% お勧めの


"It was really good. It was a good mix between exercise and speaking"

GIACOMO MAGNANI, 学生フォーム イタリア

Le location was close to my host family and it was easy to me to come to school. In the classroom you weren’t able to isolate yourself thanks to lots of group exercises and discussion about actual themes. My classmates have been really friendly and the teacher too.



13 Sep 2021 - 24 Sep 2021

"Amazing, inspiring and definitely unforgettable."

Debby Maria Baars, 学生フォーム オランダ

In the beginning they gave me the advice to start in the proficiency level. It was challenging and I just forgot about my insecurities in that class because my classmates and teachers told me it's okay to make mistakes. I was happy that I chose the semi-intensive course because I had enough time to spend after or before school. The teachers were nice, especially Monica and Charlene, I liked Charlene's lessons the most because we did some nice activities sometimes.

I stayed in the Barrington Plaza, a great apartment, but we missed some kitchen utensils and the house keep didn't show up a few times. But it was okay, the location is perfect. Zuma housing wasn't very helpful, when I wanted to help my roommate with asking questions they said that she had to contact them on her own. But the reason I helped her was because her English wasn't very good.



11 Jul 2016 - 26 Aug 2016

"I was able to improve my language skills through interesting conversations, I also met some interesting people from around the world."

Anna Maria Mäkelä, 学生フォーム フィンランド

Teachers were great! It's good that one student has many different kinds of teachers (age, background and gender). The location was very suitable for me - I was able to go by bike. Activities didn't interest me at all. They were over priced, and we were able to connect with each other and made up activities of our own with my classmates.



7 Dec 2015 - 25 Dec 2015

"Simply, it was horrible."

Hassan Nouh H Alyahya, 学生フォーム サウジアラビア

Nothing could have been worse than my experience with this school. I lived with a host family who didn't speak English very well because they were not native speakers. My English was even better than their's! Their apartment was horrible. I didn't have enough lights in my room; it was too dark. Also, the apartment didn't have an airconditioner , so I hardly could sleep due to the high temperature in my room. I already talked to the person who was in charge of host families, and to the accommodations at the school. He promised to find me another host family as soon as possible, but he didn't . He claimed that he couldn't find a host family for me, but I am sure that he didn't make an effort to find me one.

I didn't like the teaching methods at my school. We had combined classes of grammar, speaking, listening, reading, and writing . We should have had separated classes for each - that would have been much better. Also, there were a lot of teachers who didn't speak English as their first language. Some of them were really good, but there were some teachers who had an accent; their English didn't sound so natural.

I would never recommend this school to anyone, unless they want to waste their money.



15 Jun 2015 - 7 Aug 2015

"A goal to learn"

Roberto Marcos Ngombo, 学生フォーム アンゴラ

Thank you very much for this opportunity. For me, everything was good. The school was nice and I think it is one of the best in USA. The location was good too. I liked Santa Monica very much; it is a nice area. All the activities in school were good and very important because here you can find many people from abroad and get so much experience with that. The people who work in school were amazing; even the teachers. With them, I learned many things.

I will speak about the house, which was one thing more important for me. The family I stayed with were very good people - Helen and Harry were fantastic. I love them and they will be in heart forever. The way they treated me.. I have no words. They are a loving family.



4 May 2015 - 29 May 2015


linda scugugia, 学生フォーム イタリア

I like my classes because there were students from different part of the world.
The teachers were well prepared and I learned many new things with them.
The school is in a great location just few minutes away from the beach and really easy to reach by bus.



9 Feb 2015 - 20 Feb 2015

"It was a good experience to study one week at EC School."

Wael Elnoubi

I liked the classes. EC was located in a beautiful city. Teachers delivered a highly effective intensive course. I didn't like some students who were talking non-English languages during classes.

I prefer not to have the same nationalities in the same class.



12 Jan 2015 - 16 Jan 2015

"It started badly.. and stayed that way."

Abdulmoshin Ahmed H Alghamdi, 学生フォーム サウジアラビア

First off, a big issue was with my homestay, and no one from EC even tried to solve the problem. I went back to my sister-house, and also no one talked to me. After couple of weeks, a staff came to me to ask about the issue... But for what? Then she asked me about how EC can improve.

Let me tell you something! We have English schools in our country, and I studied in a school that had English classes each day, but the issue was about my community who spoke Arabic. How could I practice my English? The homestay should be an important part of my trip.

As non-American people, when we come to your country to study, we want to feel safe! So when I told one of your staff in EC that I wanted to change my homestay for more than one reason, she should have helped me find a new homestay, not just make me calm down and let me go. She didn't even try to do anything!

The English classes were good, but there is this teacher named Nancy. She wasn't kind. She wanted to teach only, not to make us like what she was doing.

My classmates were good, but they were much older than I was, so I couldn't find a good friend to spend the time with until the last week, because he was from Turkey.

I always try to find the good angle from everything to make myself happy, which is why I don't see this as a very bad experience.



23 Jun 2014 - 1 Aug 2014

"Good school and good teachers!"

Konstantin Gorbunov, 学生フォーム ロシア

The school has good facilities, good teachers, and an excellent location. Good quality housing was provided by the school! Thanks.



7 Jan 2013 - 1 Mar 2013
35 - 49


EC Los Angeles は下記のハウジングタイプを提供します:

ホームステイ - 2人シェアルーム - 朝食

¥ 50,918

Homestay - Twin room, bed & breakfast (2 students must book together)

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 朝食 (1週に7食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 60 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
制限: 2人の学生が登録されている必要ががございます
¥ 50,918
Staying with a local family is a great way to immerse oneself into American culture. This interaction with a family helps students communicate and practice their English in a more relaxed environment whilst also exposing themselves to new experiences - be it lifestyle, local food or simple day to day routines.

Homes vary in type. Some homes are apartments, some are townhomes, and some are single family homes. Students are placed in a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed, dresser and closet. Some rooms have TVs and other amenities. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. Some Los Angeles families do not have a washing machine in their home and use the services of a laundromat – this information will be included in the host family profile. In cases where families have a washing machine, students may use the laundry facilities although this remains at the discretion of each family.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食

¥ 57,488

Homestay - Single room, bed & breakfast

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食 (1週に7食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 60 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 57,488
Staying with a local family is a great way to immerse oneself into American culture. This interaction with a family helps students communicate and practice their English in a more relaxed environment whilst also exposing themselves to new experiences - be it lifestyle, local food or simple day to day routines.

Homes vary in type. Some homes are apartments, some are townhomes, and some are single family homes. Students are placed in a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed, dresser and closet. Some rooms have TVs and other amenities. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. Some Los Angeles families do not have a washing machine in their home and use the services of a laundromat – this information will be included in the host family profile. In cases where families have a washing machine, students may use the laundry facilities although this remains at the discretion of each family.

ホームステイ - 2人シェアルーム - 朝食と夕食

¥ 57,488

Homestay - Twin room, half board (2 students must book together)

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 60 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
制限: 2人の学生が登録されている必要ががございます
¥ 57,488
Staying with a local family is a great way to immerse oneself into American culture. This interaction with a family helps students communicate and practice their English in a more relaxed environment whilst also exposing themselves to new experiences - be it lifestyle, local food or simple day to day routines.

Homes vary in type. Some homes are apartments, some are townhomes, and some are single family homes. Students are placed in a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed, dresser and closet. Some rooms have TVs and other amenities. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. Some Los Angeles families do not have a washing machine in their home and use the services of a laundromat – this information will be included in the host family profile. In cases where families have a washing machine, students may use the laundry facilities although this remains at the discretion of each family.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 68,986

Homestay - Single room, half board

年齢範囲: 16歳以上
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 60 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 68,986
Staying with a local family is a great way to immerse oneself into American culture. This interaction with a family helps students communicate and practice their English in a more relaxed environment whilst also exposing themselves to new experiences - be it lifestyle, local food or simple day to day routines.

Homes vary in type. Some homes are apartments, some are townhomes, and some are single family homes. Students are placed in a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed, dresser and closet. Some rooms have TVs and other amenities. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. Some Los Angeles families do not have a washing machine in their home and use the services of a laundromat – this information will be included in the host family profile. In cases where families have a washing machine, students may use the laundry facilities although this remains at the discretion of each family.

ホームステイ - Single-person room - 朝食と夕食

¥ 73,092

Homestay U18 - Single room, half board

年齢範囲: 16 - 17歳
のハウジングタイプ: ホームステイ
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 朝食と夕食 (1週に14食)
学校までの距離: 30 - 60 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 土曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 73,092
Staying with a local family is a great way to immerse oneself into American culture. This interaction with a family helps students communicate and practice their English in a more relaxed environment whilst also exposing themselves to new experiences - be it lifestyle, local food or simple day to day routines.

Homes vary in type. Some homes are apartments, some are townhomes, and some are single family homes. Students are placed in a single or twin room. Each room is furnished with a bed, dresser and closet. Some rooms have TVs and other amenities. It is important that rooms and living areas are kept neat and tidy. Students also have access to a shared bathroom.

Bed linen and towels are provided by the host family. Some Los Angeles families do not have a washing machine in their home and use the services of a laundromat – this information will be included in the host family profile. In cases where families have a washing machine, students may use the laundry facilities although this remains at the discretion of each family.

アパート - 2人シェアルーム - 食事なし

¥ 67,343

Standard Westwood Apartments – Twin room, shared bathroom, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
住所: 1141 Westwood Blvd , Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA
所在地: In the city center of ロサンゼルス
のハウジングタイプ: Shared apartment
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, テレビの部屋, そして エアコン
学校までの距離: 45 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 日曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 67,343
Westwood Apartments are cosy and a short distance from all the amenities of Westwood Village, one of LA's most walkable and popular neighborhoods. You are close to the UCLA campus and you will enjoy all the advantages of modern urban living, from trendy cafes to supermarkets. EC Los Angeles students staying at Westwood will have a fully equipped kitchen with cooking utensils. The Comfort room option is typically a smaller room than Standard and may have been a living room space that has been converted into a split bedroom.

There is a washing machine and a dryer in each apartment, and they can be used free of charge.

Westwood has a 2-week minimum stay

Rooms include

✓ WiFi
✓ Room Cleaning
✓ TV
✓ Bed Linen
✓ Room Cleaning

Arrival day: Saturday

Departure day: Saturday

アパート - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 101,836

Standard Westwood Apartments – Single room, shared bathroom, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
住所: 1141 Westwood Blvd , Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA
所在地: In the city center of ロサンゼルス
のハウジングタイプ: Shared apartment
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, テレビの部屋, そして エアコン
学校までの距離: 45 分 busで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 日曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 101,836
Westwood Apartments are cosy and a short distance from all the amenities of Westwood Village, one of LA's most walkable and popular neighborhoods. You are close to the UCLA campus and you will enjoy all the advantages of modern urban living, from trendy cafes to supermarkets. EC Los Angeles students staying at Westwood will have a fully equipped kitchen with cooking utensils. The Comfort room option is typically a smaller room than Standard and may have been a living room space that has been converted into a split bedroom.

There is a washing machine and a dryer in each apartment, and they can be used free of charge.

Westwood has a 2-week minimum stay

Rooms include

✓ WiFi
✓ Room Cleaning
✓ TV
✓ Bed Linen
✓ Room Cleaning

Arrival day: Saturday

Departure day: Saturday

アパート - 2人シェアルーム - 食事なし

¥ 85,411

Santa Monica Downtown Shared Apartments – Twin room, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: In the city center of ロサンゼルス
のハウジングタイプ: Shared apartment
部屋のタイプ: 2人シェアルーム
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: キッチン, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, そして エアコン
学校までの距離: 10 分 walkで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 日曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 85,411
Description of accommodation

Each Apartment included in the Santa Monica Downtown Apartments feature a unique architecture style to add to your experience in Los Angeles. Filled with modern appliances and designer finishes, the apartments are steps away from restaurants, shopping, the arts, culture and the beach. You are also a 10-minute walk from EC. The residences offer fully furnished, shared rooms, cleaned bi-weekly.

Description of local area

Situated in the middle of beautiful, vibrant Santa Monica, one of Los Angeles’s most coveted beach neighborhoods, Santa Monica Downtown Apartments are a casual yet sophisticated community for an upscale, coastal lifestyle!

Accommodation Includes

Communal Kitchen
Communal Lounge
Free Wi-Fi facilities
Central air conditioning
Bed linen provided
Laundry Facilities
Cleaning service provided

Arrival and departure
Arrival Day: Saturday
Check in: 14:00 - 20:00
Departure Day: Saturday
Check out: 10:00

アパート - Single-person room - 食事なし

¥ 156,861

Santa Monica Downtown Shared Apartments – Single room, self catering

年齢範囲: 18歳以上
所在地: In the city center of ロサンゼルス
のハウジングタイプ: Shared apartment
部屋のタイプ: Single-person room
食事プラン: 食事なし
施設: プライベートバスルーム, キッチン, ランドリー, ワイヤレスインターネット, 無料のインターネット, そして エアコン
学校までの距離: 10 分 walkで
可用性: 1月 - 12月
到着日: 日曜日, いつでも
帰国日: 土曜日, いつでも
¥ 156,861
Description of accommodation

Each Apartment included in the Santa Monica Downtown Apartments feature a unique architecture style to add to your experience in Los Angeles. Filled with modern appliances and designer finishes, the apartments are steps away from restaurants, shopping, the arts, culture and the beach. You are also a 10-minute walk from EC. The residences offer fully furnished, shared rooms, cleaned bi-weekly.

Description of local area

Situated in the middle of beautiful, vibrant Santa Monica, one of Los Angeles’s most coveted beach neighborhoods, Santa Monica Downtown Apartments are a casual yet sophisticated community for an upscale, coastal lifestyle!

Accommodation Includes

Communal Kitchen
Communal Lounge
Free Wi-Fi facilities
Central air conditioning
Bed linen provided
Laundry Facilities
Cleaning service provided

Arrival and departure
Arrival Day: Saturday
Check in: 14:00 - 20:00
Departure Day: Saturday
Check out: 10:00






アメリカの学生ビザ取得についてもっと詳しく調べる »


学校から一番近い国際空港は Los Angeles International Airport (JFK)です。.

この学校は空港までの送迎サービスを提供しています。お迎えを希望されるのであればフライト情報と到着日を教えてください。学校からLos Angeles International Airportまでの片道の値段は $140です。空港送迎サービスをご希望の場合は、前もって登録時に予約しなkればなりません。

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to ロサンゼルス based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


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Q & A

ご質問はありますか? EC English Language Schools: Los Angelesのスタッフまたは過去の学生から回答を得ましょう。
